I just started with volumio installing 1.55 w/o problems. However using it is a different matter.
Here is my hardware setup:
Rasberry Pi B+ with HiFiberry DAC+
Dual linear power supplies
Edimax USB dongle
I intent to keep it that simple until it will be running fine. Plans are to add a display and an IR-remote. For now I use Firefox on a Linux PC and occasionally an iPhone with Firefox which does not run well (WLAN does not connect easy).
Problem 1: How do I add a radio station?
So far I picked the URL of the stations live stream (http:// station.m3u) and added it into GUI => Browse => WebRadio => [ + ] => [WebRadio]
After clicking ADD it shows up in the WebRadio list, can be selected and reports “added to playlist” . However it does not show up there and will not be played, of course.
So I checked the FAQs but the answer was not very useful. Sorry, I can’t guess what the windows explorer will open and I could not find the subfolder WebRadio scanning the Raspi with ssh. I updated the playlist and did a reboot, all w/o success.
My 2 questions:
How can I manually add a station?
Is this ADD-A-STATION window not yet ready to be used or is all it will/can ever do add an entry to the WebRadio list leaving the rest of the job to hand editing files?
The absolutely positive experience of this project is, that I get an wonderful sound reproduction (on some radio stations and from local storage of course). It is really worth cleaning up the UI…
The webgui for adding radiostations doesn’t (always) work as expected / intended.
The Web Radio folder is a shared folder, you should be able to find it with your file Explorer. \ip\Webradio. You can add Webradio files here.
But mind that ending of the m3u file is important. Windows and Linux use different formatting for [enter]. I personally use ssh to connect, go to the Webradio folder, do nano radio.m3u and then paste the url with some additional enter’s.
The location is /var/lib/mpd/music/WEBRADIO
It’s a little hard at the moment and can use some patchwork. But that won’t come to volumio 1.55 since volumio is undergoing a complete rebuild towards Volumio 2.
Thank you for coming back so fast. I think with your info I can get along with my installation. Its good to hear that the resources are focused on volumio 2.
Sounds promising.
your info were absolutely useful. I copied one of the existing entries and modified Title and URL - some typing with positive results.
Can you help me with one more item: I have several entries in the WebRadioStation list (GUI=>Browse=>WEBRADIO) that I want to delete but did not find a way to do this. Some do not even have corresponding entries in
ls /var/lib/mpd/music/WEBRADIO
This will put the issue station list to solved. I have some more problems and will start a new thread for each single one.
There is no delete option in the webui. You can delete stations/song etc from the shared folder or, when your already connected via ssh remove it locally with the rm command like so;
cd /var/lib/mpd/music/WEBRADIO
ls -la
rm [filename].[extension]
You might need to do the rm as super user and if you want to delete a whole folder with contents do rm -r (recursive).
ls -la shows ALL files in a list with details (list all)