A hot summer day build

What do you do on a really hot summer day when it’s to hot to be outside?
Of course you go down to the cool cellar workshop and build yourself a Volumio player ! :smiley:

Please say Hi to my rebuild of my SK3 (former Main player) now SK3-Demo to use for Volumio demo , test and lab

Rpi3 with a Suptronics x400 dac/amp , the cover is as always IKEA design, the Toothbrush holder “Dragan”


That’s a nice build! How many attempts to get the acrylic case to fit snug?

A couple of times ! :smiling_imp:
I use only poorman’s tools, paper cutter, drills , hand grinders
But the acrylics is high quality and that helps (leftover stuff from a guy that sells windows)

When inspiration comes it never ends !
I need a controller too !
Found a magnetic phone holder in the garage and a retired mobile :smiley:

Smashing job! I’ve commissioned 2 old iPhone 5s as remotes too

yeah LCDs and touch screen makes maybe a pretty build ,but old phones work nice as a remote.
I have an old 7" android tablet as a main control of all my Volumios and a app to control my receiver and all zones at the cost of zero

I have another Rpi/Dac/Amp build that needs a rebuild :wink:
maybe I can integrate a phone in a “pretty” way with a wood case and acrylics :smiley:

Still waiting on this latest project my friend!
Your projects give me lots of inspiration, great work without the cost.

Hi @Anglepen

Well that equipment is still in use in my outdoor room , but fall is coming fast and soon there will be some really cold winter days for rebuilds! :wink:
But i’m in full planning and have put out an inquiry for an used Samsung Note, i’m not sure on the measuerment but i will probably build a slim 8mm MDF box as base.
Promise, you will be posted ! :smiley: