Hi guys !
Maybe i ask this on a wrong forum, maybe it has nothing to do with volumio. Wich I love it BTW
But after all, i am no expert in any of this subjects, so i guess, i just ask it here and see what reactions i get .
Not so long ago, i got me a demonstration of the 432 audo streamer of SOtm : klinktbeter.be/index.php/432 … z-streamer
I know the page is in dutch, but its hard to find a page in english with the same contenance. This audio streamer/ripper allows the user to chose between the original audio file and a 432Hz alternative. Most people prefer the 432Hz versions, and i must say, i was very impressed by it. I understood this practicaly all was done by software enhancements. The streamer/ripper seems to work on a linux OS btw.
So i was just wondering if this would be a possible enhancement in Volumio ?
Maybe it is techniqualy impossible, I just dont know.
But the audition and my PI/Hifiberry combination working with Volumio makes me wonder…
Would be swell to be able to switch between the original and a 432Hz alternative !!!
What you guys think ?
Any reaction would be great !
Thanx for reading this note, and ty for a great product !