Since the Update to 3.779 a few plugins are not working anymore:
-AmpSwitch (will try GPIO Control)
-GPIO Random stay inactive
-GPIO Buttons stays inactive
-IR Remote Controller active, but not working
Can I expect them to be fixed or will they not be updated like AmpSwitch for the new Kernel?
I already did a reinstall of the latest GPIO Buttons and IR Remote Plugins. GPIO buttons was active immediately after install, but after a reboot it now stays inactive.
Thank you for the advice. After a few reinstalls and restarts both are working now. I assume I can not expect an update for GPIO Random since it wasnt even in the store? @jit
I will have to update it for my own usage as I have the same problem. I’m just running out of time for now .
Also, last time I tried to update, I found it was becoming complicated to get a validated pull request when writing code is not your daily activity
I have sadly same issue with nanosound dac, and it seems there are no longer active so…
any other idea instead of reinstall everything? i tried uninstall and freshly install the plugin without working…
After kernel 6.6, the onoff/gpio_sysfs is not usable.
I rewrote (with chatgpt support) the ampswitch plugin to use execSync and gpioset. Now ampswitch work again.
content of index.js:
'use strict';
// load external modules
var libQ = require('kew');
var io = require('');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000');
// declare global status variable
var status = 'na';
// Define the AmpSwitchController class
module.exports = AmpSwitchController;
function AmpSwitchController(context) {
var self = this;
// Save a reference to the parent commandRouter
self.context = context;
self.commandRouter = self.context.coreCommand;
self.logger = self.commandRouter.logger;
this.configManager = this.context.configManager;
// Setup Debugger
self.logger.ASdebug = function(data) {'[ASDebug] ' + data);
// Define shutdown variable
self.shutdownPin = null;
// define behaviour on system start up. In our case just read config file
AmpSwitchController.prototype.onVolumioStart = function() {
var self = this;
var configFile = this.commandRouter.pluginManager.getConfigurationFile(this.context, 'config.json');
this.config = new (require('v-conf'))();
return libQ.resolve();
// Volumio needs this
AmpSwitchController.prototype.getConfigurationFiles = function() {
return ['config.json'];
// define behaviour on plugin activation
AmpSwitchController.prototype.onStart = function() {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
// initialize output port
// read and parse status once
socket.emit('getState', '');
socket.once('pushState', self.parseStatus.bind(self));
// listen to every subsequent status report from Volumio
socket.on('pushState', self.parseStatus.bind(self));
return defer.promise;
// define behaviour on plugin deactivation.
AmpSwitchController.prototype.onStop = function() {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
self.logger.ASdebug('Port: ' + self.config.get('port'));
self.logger.ASdebug('Inverted: ' + self.config.get('inverted'));
self.logger.ASdebug('Delay: ' + self.config.get('delay'));
// we don't have to claim GPIOs anymore
return defer.promise;
// initialize Plugin settings page
AmpSwitchController.prototype.getUIConfig = function() {
var defer = libQ.defer();
var self = this;
self.logger.ASdebug('Setting UI defaults');
self.logger.ASdebug('Port: ' + self.config.get('port'));
self.logger.ASdebug('Inverted: ' + self.config.get('inverted'));
self.logger.ASdebug('Latched: ' + self.config.get('latched'));
self.logger.ASdebug('On pulse width: ' + self.config.get('on_pulse_width'));
self.logger.ASdebug('Off pulse width: ' + self.config.get('off_pulse_width'));
var lang_code = this.commandRouter.sharedVars.get('language_code');
self.commandRouter.i18nJson(__dirname + '/i18n/strings_' + lang_code + '.json',
__dirname + '/i18n/strings_en.json',
__dirname + '/UIConfig.json')
.then(function(uiconf) {
uiconf.sections[0].content[0].value.value = self.config.get('port');
uiconf.sections[0].content[0].value.label = self.config.get('port').toString();
uiconf.sections[0].content[1].value = self.config.get('inverted');
uiconf.sections[0].content[2].value = self.config.get('delay');
uiconf.sections[0].content[3].value = self.config.get('latched');
uiconf.sections[0].content[4].value = self.config.get('on_pulse_width');
uiconf.sections[0].content[5].value = self.config.get('off_pulse_width');
.fail(function() {
defer.reject(new Error());
return defer.promise;
// define what happens when the user clicks the 'save' button on the settings page
AmpSwitchController.prototype.saveOptions = function(data) {
var self = this;
var successful = true;
var old_port = self.config.get('port');
// save port setting to our config
self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Port: ' + data['port_setting']['value']);
self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Inverted: ' + data['inverted_setting']);
self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Delay: ' + data['delay_setting']);
self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Latched: ' + data['latched_setting']);
self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: On Pulse width: ' + data['on_pulse_width_setting']);
self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Off Pulse width: ' + data['off_pulse_width_setting']);
self.config.set('port', data['port_setting']['value']);
self.config.set('inverted', data['inverted_setting']);
self.config.set('delay', data['delay_setting']);
self.config.set('latched', data['latched_setting']);
self.config.set('on_pulse_width', data['on_pulse_width_setting']);
self.config.set('off_pulse_width', data['off_pulse_width_setting']);
// unexport GPIOs before constructing new GPIO object
try {
} catch (err) {
successful = false;
if (successful) {
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', 'Amplifier Switch Settings', 'Saved');
} else {
self.config.set('port', old_port);
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('error', 'Port not accessible', '');
// initialize shutdown port to the one that we stored in the config
AmpSwitchController.prototype.ampGPIOInit = function() {
var self = this;
self.shutdownPin = self.config.get('port');
self.logger.ASdebug(`Initializing GPIO pin: ${self.shutdownPin}`);
// a pushState event has happened. Check whether it differs from the last known status and
// switch output port on or off respectively
AmpSwitchController.prototype.parseStatus = function(state) {
var self = this;
var delay = self.config.get('delay');
self.logger.ASdebug('CurState: ' + state.status + ' PrevState: ' + status);
if ((state.status != 'pause' && state.status != 'stop') && state.status != status) {
status = state.status;
self.config.get('latched') ? self.pulse(self.config.get('on_pulse_width')) : self.on();
} else if ((state.status == 'pause' || state.status == 'stop') && (status != 'pause' && status != 'stop')) {
self.logger.ASdebug('InitTimeout - Amp off in: ' + delay + ' ms');
self.OffTimerID = setTimeout(function() {
status = state.status;
self.config.get('latched') ? self.pulse(self.config.get('off_pulse_width')) :;
}, delay);
// switch output port on
AmpSwitchController.prototype.on = function() {
var self = this;
self.logger.ASdebug('Toggle GPIO: ON');
if (!self.config.get('inverted')) {
execSync(`gpioset /dev/gpiochip0 ${self.shutdownPin}=1`);
} else {
execSync(`gpioset /dev/gpiochip0 ${self.shutdownPin}=0`);
// switch output port off = function() {
var self = this;
self.logger.ASdebug('Toggle GPIO: OFF');
if (!self.config.get('inverted')) {
execSync(`gpioset /dev/gpiochip0 ${self.shutdownPin}=0`);
} else {
execSync(`gpioset /dev/gpiochip0 ${self.shutdownPin}=1`);
// trigger a pulse, this is equivalent to the usual low-to-high-to-low cycle
AmpSwitchController.prototype.pulse = function(width) {
var self = this;
self.logger.ASdebug('Trigger Pulse');
setTimeout(, width);
// free GPIO resources
AmpSwitchController.prototype.freeGPIO = function() {
var self = this;
execSync(`gpio unexport ${self.shutdownPin}`);
file location:/data/plugins/system_controller_ampswitch/index.js
before u change the content make a backup
I will try to contact the owner of ampswitch to improve the GitHub.