3.779 broke Plugins

Since the Update to 3.779 a few plugins are not working anymore:
-AmpSwitch (will try GPIO Control)
-GPIO Random stay inactive
-GPIO Buttons stays inactive
-IR Remote Controller active, but not working

Can I expect them to be fixed or will they not be updated like AmpSwitch for the new Kernel?


please make sure you update the plugins to the latest version

I already did a reinstall of the latest GPIO Buttons and IR Remote Plugins. GPIO buttons was active immediately after install, but after a reboot it now stays inactive.

Btw. I am on RPI 4 8GB

GPIO Buttons and IR Remote have been updated to work with kernel 6.6 and tested successfully

please make sure you uninstall them, reboot and then install them again

Thank you for the advice. After a few reinstalls and restarts both are working now. I assume I can not expect an update for GPIO Random since it wasnt even in the store? @jit

it depends on the developer of the plugin

I will have to update it for my own usage as I have the same problem. I’m just running out of time for now :slightly_smiling_face:.
Also, last time I tried to update, I found it was becoming complicated to get a validated pull request when writing code is not your daily activity

I have sadly same issue with nanosound dac, and it seems there are no longer active so…
any other idea instead of reinstall everything? i tried uninstall and freshly install the plugin without working…

A post was merged into an existing topic: [PLUGIN] Now Playing

After kernel 6.6, the onoff/gpio_sysfs is not usable.
I rewrote (with chatgpt support) the ampswitch plugin to use execSync and gpioset. Now ampswitch work again.
content of index.js:

'use strict';

// load external modules
var libQ = require('kew');
var io = require('socket.io-client');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');

const socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000');
// declare global status variable
var status = 'na';

// Define the AmpSwitchController class
module.exports = AmpSwitchController;

function AmpSwitchController(context) {
    var self = this;

    // Save a reference to the parent commandRouter
    self.context = context;
    self.commandRouter = self.context.coreCommand;
    self.logger = self.commandRouter.logger;
    this.configManager = this.context.configManager;

    // Setup Debugger
    self.logger.ASdebug = function(data) {
        self.logger.info('[ASDebug] ' + data);

    // Define shutdown variable
    self.shutdownPin = null;

// define behaviour on system start up. In our case just read config file
AmpSwitchController.prototype.onVolumioStart = function() {
    var self = this;
    var configFile = this.commandRouter.pluginManager.getConfigurationFile(this.context, 'config.json');
    this.config = new (require('v-conf'))();

    return libQ.resolve();

// Volumio needs this
AmpSwitchController.prototype.getConfigurationFiles = function() {
    return ['config.json'];

// define behaviour on plugin activation
AmpSwitchController.prototype.onStart = function() {
    var self = this;
    var defer = libQ.defer();

    // initialize output port

    // read and parse status once
    socket.emit('getState', '');
    socket.once('pushState', self.parseStatus.bind(self));

    // listen to every subsequent status report from Volumio
    socket.on('pushState', self.parseStatus.bind(self));

    return defer.promise;

// define behaviour on plugin deactivation.
AmpSwitchController.prototype.onStop = function() {
    var self = this;
    var defer = libQ.defer();

    self.logger.ASdebug('Port: ' + self.config.get('port'));
    self.logger.ASdebug('Inverted: ' + self.config.get('inverted'));
    self.logger.ASdebug('Delay: ' + self.config.get('delay'));

    // we don't have to claim GPIOs anymore

    return defer.promise;

// initialize Plugin settings page
AmpSwitchController.prototype.getUIConfig = function() {
    var defer = libQ.defer();
    var self = this;
    self.logger.ASdebug('Setting UI defaults');
    self.logger.ASdebug('Port: ' + self.config.get('port'));
    self.logger.ASdebug('Inverted: ' + self.config.get('inverted'));
    self.logger.ASdebug('Latched: ' + self.config.get('latched'));
    self.logger.ASdebug('On pulse width: ' + self.config.get('on_pulse_width'));
    self.logger.ASdebug('Off pulse width: ' + self.config.get('off_pulse_width'));

    var lang_code = this.commandRouter.sharedVars.get('language_code');

    self.commandRouter.i18nJson(__dirname + '/i18n/strings_' + lang_code + '.json',
        __dirname + '/i18n/strings_en.json',
        __dirname + '/UIConfig.json')
        .then(function(uiconf) {
            uiconf.sections[0].content[0].value.value = self.config.get('port');
            uiconf.sections[0].content[0].value.label = self.config.get('port').toString();
            uiconf.sections[0].content[1].value = self.config.get('inverted');
            uiconf.sections[0].content[2].value = self.config.get('delay');
            uiconf.sections[0].content[3].value = self.config.get('latched');
            uiconf.sections[0].content[4].value = self.config.get('on_pulse_width');
            uiconf.sections[0].content[5].value = self.config.get('off_pulse_width');
        .fail(function() {
            defer.reject(new Error());

    return defer.promise;

// define what happens when the user clicks the 'save' button on the settings page
AmpSwitchController.prototype.saveOptions = function(data) {
    var self = this;
    var successful = true;
    var old_port = self.config.get('port');

    // save port setting to our config
    self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Port: ' + data['port_setting']['value']);
    self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Inverted: ' + data['inverted_setting']);
    self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Delay: ' + data['delay_setting']);
    self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Latched: ' + data['latched_setting']);
    self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: On Pulse width: ' + data['on_pulse_width_setting']);
    self.logger.ASdebug('Saving Settings: Off Pulse width: ' + data['off_pulse_width_setting']);

    self.config.set('port', data['port_setting']['value']);
    self.config.set('inverted', data['inverted_setting']);
    self.config.set('delay', data['delay_setting']);
    self.config.set('latched', data['latched_setting']);
    self.config.set('on_pulse_width', data['on_pulse_width_setting']);
    self.config.set('off_pulse_width', data['off_pulse_width_setting']);

    // unexport GPIOs before constructing new GPIO object
    try {
    } catch (err) {
        successful = false;
    if (successful) {
        self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', 'Amplifier Switch Settings', 'Saved');
    } else {
        self.config.set('port', old_port);
        self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('error', 'Port not accessible', '');

// initialize shutdown port to the one that we stored in the config
AmpSwitchController.prototype.ampGPIOInit = function() {
    var self = this;
    self.shutdownPin = self.config.get('port');
    self.logger.ASdebug(`Initializing GPIO pin: ${self.shutdownPin}`);

// a pushState event has happened. Check whether it differs from the last known status and
// switch output port on or off respectively
AmpSwitchController.prototype.parseStatus = function(state) {
    var self = this;
    var delay = self.config.get('delay');
    self.logger.ASdebug('CurState: ' + state.status + ' PrevState: ' + status);

    if ((state.status != 'pause' && state.status != 'stop') && state.status != status) {
        status = state.status;
        self.config.get('latched') ? self.pulse(self.config.get('on_pulse_width')) : self.on();
    } else if ((state.status == 'pause' || state.status == 'stop') && (status != 'pause' && status != 'stop')) {
        self.logger.ASdebug('InitTimeout - Amp off in: ' + delay + ' ms');
        self.OffTimerID = setTimeout(function() {
            status = state.status;
            self.config.get('latched') ? self.pulse(self.config.get('off_pulse_width')) : self.off();
        }, delay);

// switch output port on
AmpSwitchController.prototype.on = function() {
    var self = this;

    self.logger.ASdebug('Toggle GPIO: ON');
    if (!self.config.get('inverted')) {
        execSync(`gpioset /dev/gpiochip0 ${self.shutdownPin}=1`);
    } else {
        execSync(`gpioset /dev/gpiochip0 ${self.shutdownPin}=0`);

// switch output port off
AmpSwitchController.prototype.off = function() {
    var self = this;

    self.logger.ASdebug('Toggle GPIO: OFF');
    if (!self.config.get('inverted')) {
        execSync(`gpioset /dev/gpiochip0 ${self.shutdownPin}=0`);
    } else {
        execSync(`gpioset /dev/gpiochip0 ${self.shutdownPin}=1`);

// trigger a pulse, this is equivalent to the usual low-to-high-to-low cycle
AmpSwitchController.prototype.pulse = function(width) {
    var self = this;
    self.logger.ASdebug('Trigger Pulse');
    setTimeout(self.off.bind(self), width);

// free GPIO resources
AmpSwitchController.prototype.freeGPIO = function() {
    var self = this;
    execSync(`gpio unexport ${self.shutdownPin}`);

file location:/data/plugins/system_controller_ampswitch/index.js
before u change the content make a backup
I will try to contact the owner of ampswitch to improve the GitHub.

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@balbuze could you please have a look and help @csuti to have his fix merged?

Please send a pull request to GitHub - volumio/volumio-plugins-sources: Volumio plugins source code for Volumio 3 so we can check!
Thank you!

Okay, before pulling, I will try changing the solution from execsync+gpioset to gpiod, because it’s better.

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