I have a PI 3 with a hifiberry dac+ and using volumio 2
I want to add a adafruit 2x16 Lcd
Everything I Google shows volumio 1.5, and has no mention of dacs.
Or has a touchscreen but since I’m building a retro/steam punk case, it’s not something I want.
I was wondering if anyone has guides or builds for this problem.
Mounting the DAC does impact which pins can be used for other purposes yes. The used pins are explained in the Hifiberry knowledge base: support.hifiberry.com/hc/en-us/ … rry-boards
Any other pin is free to use for your own purposes
Unfortunately I cannot help you with that. There were people with the right Pi2 drivers, I cannot get them to work however; not on my Pi2 nor my Pi3. The B\B+ I have lying around should work according to the stories, but I haven’t had the time yet to test that out.
Hopefully someone did get the 16x2 to work with a Pi2/Pi3… and maybe that someone is willing to share the knowledge