I’m building a Network Hifi Receiver from scratch.
An old Braun T2 Tuner serves as case for the player.
To keep as much as possible from the look of the device i needed an Interface for Volumio.
And especialy one that supports a 3,2" ssd1322 SPI Oled with 256x64Pixel.
After doing some research i found diehrdsk/Volumio-OledUI.
It fullfills many points on my “wishlist” but not nearly all.
As we all know, the way is the destination, i spent some time (much time…) in modifying the original code.
The project is not finished yet.
I’ll try to keep the github repository up-to-date.
planed features for the network receiver:
Raspberry Pi 4 with Volumio as OS
Hiffiberry DAC + ADC as DAC and Input
4 Stereo Analog inputs digitaly switchable by Volumio (realised by seperate circuit)
75W Trafo with two Lownoise PSU’s (parallel, each 5V 6A)
Standby Circuit, to fully cut of the Trafo
2 VU-Meter
sd-card slot on front
usb on front
Near-Interface (Volumio-OledUI with 4Buttons + Rotary)
build in 5TB hdd
build in Wifi with external Antennas
build in Bluetooth 5.0 High-End Receiver wit external Antenna
“Master Control”-Interface (RS232 In/Out for Braun Atelier devices, to control them)
Congratulations! Great job, it looks amazing. I have in mind to do a project similar to yours with my Rpi 3b and my dac allo boss 1.2. I would like to install a display like yours, so that it shows exactly the same information. I love how it looks. It’s just what I need. I will not connect physical buttons. I am a newbie in electronics and I would be happy with being able to configure the display correctly. Could you tell me what exactly is the display you are using? It’s 4-pin, right?
Writing your github code, would it be fully configured to show the same information as in the video?
Thank you very much in advance. Cheers!!
Hi @cuchu !
Out of tthe box, my code is compatible to ssd1322 (256x64 Pixel greyscale) and ssd1306 (128x64 monnochrome) displays.
Like this:
The ssd1306 uses i2c bus (V+, Gnd, SDA, SCL)
The ssd1322 uses spi bus (V+, Gnd, SDin, SClk, RST, DC, CS)
Personaly I would recommend to use an ssd1322 display, it jus has a lot more possibilitys for layous
The code is fairly easy to mod, so thatt it should work witth other display types, butt you need to know what you are doing!
If you want to use another display, you can send it to me, i will adapt the code to it. The only benefit for me: Free Display
During the setup of the code you’ll be asked for your favors (Layout, displaytype etc…) I guess this should be easy to use even if you’re not so deep into electronics.
If you have further questions, or need more informations I would recommend you to join my discord chanel: https://discord.gg/GJ4ED3F
Anyway, i’m lucky that you like my work!
Have some nice Winter days!
PS: The video is pretty old, the code looks much bettter now (need to make some new videos…))
Hi! Thank you very much for your quick response and help offerings!
I would like to use an ssd1322 display, but I have several doubts about the pin connection.
My setup is a Rpi 3b + Allo Boss dac 1.2.
The gpio pins available on my allo boss are limited. I dont know if I have all of the spi bus (V+, Gnd, SDin, SClk, RST, DC, CS) pins to connect the display properly.
I will show you a few pictures
Maybe, I need a gpio expansion card like this to solve it.
€ 1,84 24%OFF | GPIO-Placa de extensión Raspberry Pi, módulo GPIO de 1 a 3 de 40 pines para Orange Pi PC Raspberry Pi 4B/3B +/3B Raspberry Pi Zero W/1,3
Thanks again for your help.
People like you make the community richer by creating and spreading knowledge.
Happy winter days!
Hi Mac,
to answer this correctly, i need to know the Manufacturer-name and Model-Name of the DAC.
In my Project I use a “Hifiberry DAC Plus ADC” without any issues…
Best regards,
@mac sorry, i did not receive a notification, therfore the late answer…
To make it clear, you have this (Input only) Board: ES9018K2M ES9018 I2S IIS-32bit 384K / DSD64 I2S Eingang DAC Decodierboard | eBay
i2s bus should work, i use different pins.
But: You need Volumio Superstar to use the (ADC) input function from volumio! And I’m not sure if Volumio supports ADC-only boards… (ADC = Analog to Digital = Input)
In the NR1-UI Code is no Library/Source Selection Screen (yet…), so you won’t be able to select an Input from the Oled-UI.
(PS: I’m working on that since a few weeks, it’s a really complex process… But i’m sure I will provide a complete “Menu” with source/Library-selection in my code this year…)
Also I’m waiting for the official Buster release, cause it would make things a lot more comfortable…
I Hope I could help you, otherwise please contact me by mail or discord.
@Maschine2501 Greetings!
Please, describe to which contacts (R-rotary BTN, R-rotary A, R-rotary B) is the encoder (SW, DT, CLK) connected in your version?
Just for info:
Raspberry 3 (not plus) + Volumio 2.907 + NR1-UI/install-buildfix.sh = Display didn’t show any info & no