Can somebody help me white a plugin for a 1602 ic2 screen
The screen i use gif on the top row bloks and a backgrond is on
Whith the driver/plugin i have ones a tekst on the display (i can’t recreate this no more).
this was white a HD44780-euro driver
I have the follow setup
• Raspberry Pi 2b
• Hifiberry DAC+
• 1602A (QAPASS)
o Whith I2C (hw061)
The I2C is connected whith the RPI as Follow
GND = pin 6 (GND)
VCC = pin 4 (+5)
SDA = pin 3 (GPIO 2 SDA)
SCL = pin 5 (GPIO 3 SCL)
The adress 0x27 is checkt whith sudo i2cdetect –y 1
i have download the plugin pydpiper, but i can’t it running on the screen
i have try to install the plugin andypi but i don’t succeed in that jet
the GROVE LCD RGB backlight V2.0 is a other option, this display needs 2x I2C plugins
What i want is that the display runs and schows what song and artist is playing on the internet radio that is select
How kan i make this posible