My Raspberry 4 feeding a USB DAC setup worked fine during the trial period. Seems that once the yearly payment was charged, now I get no playback.
When the RPi4 boots up I get the welcome jingle in the speakers so we know the DAC is working.
Track selected from “last 100” - nothing happens. The time indicator does not advance. I shows it downloaded but noting more. Note the download bar has breaks in it? I don’t know if t hat is significant.
The RPi4 shows up on my WiFi network and the Ipad communicates correctly. If I shut down the RPi4, the Ipad drops out as expected so we know we have a good network connection.
The SD card image was downloaded 15 days ago so we know we have the current version?
I am an EE so lets not go down the road of bad cables and power supplies. They are all good - I checked.
Also note I am using Spotify and I noted there are some very recent posts about that not working? Could my issue be the same?