I have a Raspberry PI B+, and a Creative Soundblaster external USB wireless audio transmitter, which works fine with Volumio most of the time.
Sadly, Spotify playback is like 1,5-2 times faster then it should be, which is really disturbing.
I have spent a day with spopd, I have read all forum threads that I could find, but I came up with no solution ( reflashed my volumio a couple of times after usually ruining the hole system)
My kernel version is 3.12.26+.
This link is for Volumio 1.5 https://volumio.org/forum/audio-via-usb-t3489.html as requested by the OP. I don’t know how things have changed since then for Volumio 2 (you don’t say which version you are using).
I am using the latest version of Volumio (VERSION: 2.041) with the Creative USB DAC described in this thread on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Desktop (Quad Core CPU 900 MHz, 1 GB RAM, Linux)
I also tried using previous versions 1.55 & 1.55.1 but get the same results.
It’s very odd, play back of local MP3s are fine, as is internet radio stations, However when using spotify it seem to play back the music at 1.5x - 2.0x speeds.
Same issue here.
Raspberry PI 1
Connected to a Dared Audio USB DAC that is recognized as a generic 16 bit, 48khz dac when connected to a Windows computer.
Spotify is playing faster than normal, making every song song sound like a Chipmunks remix.
I have tried getting a faster SD-card, I am connected to my network via a network cable and I have tried with different USB-cables.
When using a computer, or when playing songs from my server/internet radio everything sounds fine.