Web Radios crash my Volumio.

Maybe interesting to know:

If I switch from a radio stream to any track from the attached USB-stick, volumio does not crash.
If I switch from the track to any radio stream back, volumio crashes.
Volume crashes also, if I stop and play the same radio stream only.


Can you give this some priority please?


Somehow the crashes affect my mind, I think I am going to check out RuneAudio next weekend.
Maybe it is more stable.


I tested this runeaudio image runeaudio.com/forum/runeaudi … t4434.html last weekend.

Everything works fine and stable. The UI is similar to Volumio, so easy going.
And the sound quality is very good and therefor it is really an alternative to Volumio.


Sure, you are free to test what you want. But I’m not sure it will help the community…

I like Volumio, but if it does not work correctly, it makes no sense to use it any longer.
Many users have the same problem reported, but this issue seems to be difficult to fix, or it is not interesting / important and the community has to live with it as it is. I know that Volumio is free and do not want to nag about it, on the other hand it was enough time to fix it.
Maybe with the next update it is fixed, let me know simply and I will test it.


Are there any updates about this problem?
I still have the problem that after selecting WebRadio stations, the NAS is not working anymore.
Back to Webradios does not play untill I do a reboot.

thanks in advance,


If you have the version 2.389 installed already, it is the latest one with the mentioned problem above.


Same issue as described, AFO’s sudo command helped restore the service almost immediately, I was doing a volumio vrestart before which worked sometimes. currently on a raspberry zero with DAC+. will keep sending logs as it keeps happening.