My dad wants to listen to BBC Radio3, over internet, plugged in to an amp.
I thought this would be ideal, as I have just recently set up volumio myself.
I have under web radio, by country, a list of 7 continents, and under Europe, 50 odd countries, and under UK National networks, BBC, a list of all the stations. And they work
So I got him a Pi with all the parts required, however on his setup, there are only 4 continents, and under Europe, only 4 counties, and under BBC, 4 folders, with no stations
Any ideas here? I am really keen to get this up and running, and don’t understand why the continents/countries/stations lists are different for two identical installations!
Thanks! I am still trying to figure out where to find a higher quality stream, I was pretty sure BBC were doing higher than 128 bit rate streams somewhere…
The BBC are still broadcasting some higher bitrate programmes for UK consumption (have a look here), but they aren’t handled properly by Volumio (can’t stop the stream & still only at 128kbps rather than 320kbps), or are not handled at all (mpeg-dash). I think the latter would need addressing by mpd upstream.
Thanks for that list link, very useful. Both the worldwide links for R3 work for me on Volumio, so I am guessing the higher bit rate ones will also work in the UK.