VU Meter / Album Cover Toggle

Hum. It just asks for a password.
So I assume the first command is wrong anyways.

I simply enter ssh but should probably use the username in front of that ?

Yes you should use username


ssh volumio@

Yep : ssh volumio@ works

Keep in mind that peppy runs on a connected screen.
And see PeppyMeter Templates - Volumio what we currently have, besides the defaults coming with the plugin. But these defaults lacks cover art.


I will not use it for now.

1°) it is MUCH too complicated for a noob like me ;
2°) I do not have an external display/screen. So this is not what I was looking for anyways :slight_smile:

But thanks a lot for trying to help :slight_smile:

that was for me the reason too :wink:

you can configure peppy to run as a network service, but that means a lot of testing. Since you mention that manual install is already complicated, this will not be an option for you.


I should be able to do it.

But have no time to read the whole process and understand what to do and how to do.

I’ll try to find the required time when I’ll start using Volumio as a daily driver for my Pi4 again… Hopefully soon :slight_smile:

mkdir peppy
miniunzip -d ./peppy
cd peppy
volumio plugin install
cd ..
rm -Rf peppy

Sure, but before that I have to mod things in ALSA (step 2 or Step 3).

Ad those are the things I do not have time to look into.

no you dont, all is covered with the instructions I gave.

Oh… Cool :slight_smile:
But that still requires an external display ?
I don’t have that, but I really would like to have one :slight_smile:
I’ve checked the Tweaks section, but it does not seem to be a trivial thing to do to add a display…

yep and the “touch display” plugin.
You can also sent the VU-Meter over the network to a computer, but that needs to be sorted out. haven’t done it as I have no use for it.

Thanks a lot for all the time spent.

So first thing : find an external display that will work with minimum manipulation.

And a nice box to host it :slight_smile:

I was in touch with a guy in the dedicated section who offered a solution, but shipping from China doubles the price of the offered products :frowning:

yep saw it, it looked great and pricing was ok. Indeed shipping costs are still cumbersome.

it’s not too bad to install peppy, maybe you can do something with this.

this is even easier :smiley: