Volumio2 UI: Suggestions and designs

Hey guys,
first of all thank you so much for the development of volumio 2. It is so incredibly good looking and everything feels so fast and responsive! For the last couple of month I’ve been using runeaudio and while volumio 2 looks very promising I am missing one feature a lot.
In runeaudio it was possible to browse my mpd library by artist/album (as can be seen here: http://www.runeaudio.com/forum/browse-by-album-artist-genre-t635.html). All I use my raspberry pi for is playing my digital flac copies of my CDs. So browsing by artist or album is really all I do. In volumio 2 the only option I can find is going to “Browse” -> “Music library” -> “USB” and then choosing by folder.
Am I overlooking something? Anyways, thanks again for all your hard work!

Hi Moo,
yes this is on our to do list… Expect it soon!

Awesome! :slight_smile: I am really looking forward to that. Thanks guys.

I have been playing with the latest release candidate - its super dooper!

When adjusting volume it displays the slider on the left side. If i then Click on the now playing screen - It should i suggest close the volume control automatically.

Is there anyway to not display Album Art?

Again Thanks for a fantastic piece of software.

I actually like the Dark Velvet! (pixelkit.com/free-ui-kits/dark-velvet/index.html) I would also second the keep it simple, maybe a simple and advanced mode so you can have your search and playlist on one screen, drag drop to re-order playlist queue, fast UI, skin able (switch between Dark Velvet and Modern Touch for instance)


just tried out the Volumio2 RC2 version I had downloaded some time ago and cozuld not get to run on my C1 at first. I really like the looks. I have not yet tested sound quality. There is only one thing I would like to change. I know that the green colour you use is part of the product identity of volumio it is just that I would prefer to change it. You already implemented the possibility to change the background colour. If it would be possible to choose between green, a nice dark red, blue or whatever other colour that would be awesome.

Thanks to all the contributors


My suggestions from usability point of view. I hope that they will be somehow helpful.

  1. Clicking on any item on the ‘Browse’ screen (i.e. radio station) should start playing that selection (it should behave same way like in ‘Queue’ screen). That is a natural action for all kinds of players and file managers.
  2. Similar thing with reordering playlist. It would be nice to have such ability when playlist is opened on the ‘Browse’. Now it is only available in ‘Queue’.
  3. On mobile version of web page long press on any item could provide a context menu that is now accessible by three dots on the right side of the screen. I don’t mean removing them, but just to add such a feature.
    On desktop version this could be accessible by right click - I know, web developers hate it… :wink: But that’s a lot more comfortable than moving eyes (and cursor) from one side of screen to another just to click on those dots. It would be tiring a lot when organizing playlist.
  4. On ‘Playback’ screen (desktop) I would change the order of icons responsible for the volume adjustment. In my opinion a ‘mute’ button should be the first one, and two buttons for vol-/vol+ should be placed next to each other. There is no reason to put ‘mute’ between them and there is a good reason for having them side by side - less movement of a finger/mouse when trying to adjust the volume and less probability to perform a “miss-click” on a ‘mute’ button while doing that.
  5. UI is not displaying any information about music being played using AirPlay. If it is possible it would be nice to provide such feature.
  6. ‘Consume playlist’ button in a ‘Queue’ - as a user I have no idea what it is supposed to do.
  7. ‘Sleep settings’ - On mobile webpage you should use a system-default selectors for time. Right now on my iPhone when I want to enter time manually (not by clicking arrows) I have to do it using a standard keyboard. There are different selectors/input methods for a different types of fields (date, time, calculations, phone numbers, e-mails, www addresses, etc.) on each mobile platform and they can help user a lot when he needs to input particular kind of data. Totally worth considering and I hope that this should be relatively easy to apply (like changing field type or something).
  8. In settings there could be a small circled “i” button near each section that can be not understandable enough for user (especially in ‘Playback Options’ menu). Then by clicking on that button user could be able to see more details about specific setting in a bubble that would be similar to the tooltip (and tooltip or that bubble can be used on desktop version when hovering over this “i” icon).
  9. I really like ability to navigate through screens by gestures, that’s a nice feature.
  10. Is it possible to implement keyboard controlled playback? I don’t know how to call it properly, but I mean for example ability to play/pause using spacebar and skip songs or adjust volume by pressing arrows.

Let me know what you think about that and feel free to ask me if something is not understandable enough (sorry for mistakes/bad english). I will take a deeper look when I will have more time.
Anyway the UI looks really good. Great work guys, keep it up!

Why do you think so?

Is it possible to add skins support?

I remember the game “football manager”, which supported html skins and the game became incredible with the help of the community.

I do not know if technically this would be possible, but if it is I think it’s worth it!

sorry for my poor english…

Hi Friends!

I would like to know, how can I change the contrast of the color… I need a bit more green. I have reduce the backlight of the 7" touchscreen, but the bars seems to more white than green…

Thank you for your help!