Hi Balbuze
Why are you always right !?
My main problems except my urge to click on everything , is patience! seems to take a while for my Pi to start everything.
About 30 second after the UI started and I clicked on play the sound came
Bless you
Hi Balbuze
Why are you always right !?
My main problems except my urge to click on everything , is patience! seems to take a while for my Pi to start everything.
About 30 second after the UI started and I clicked on play the sound came
Bless you
dear when i install your eq plugins then audio output automatically select "equlizer plugins " and no sound output from my rpi3 audio jack. if i manually select audio output “audio jack” then output sound from rpi3 audio jack but equlizer effect not working . how to work equlizer effect without dac board? please dear tell me the solution .
Quoting the blessed Balbuze
Note: a reboot after enabling the pluging and don’t mess with the Playback options after that
And in my case, I have to wait about 30 seconds after a reboot until it works properly
The mysteries of the bits are unfathomable.
Simple equalizer works fine, thank you!
Note: a reboot after enabling the pluging and don’t mess with the Playback options after that
Try the following:
Disable the plugin
In playback settings, choose the output you want (not Loopback) and save
Select the mixer you want if any and save.
If you use a i2s DAC, enable i2s and reboot.
Play a track to check it works.
If ok enable the plugin. Don’t change anything in volumio settings !!! Or you will break the config and you’ll have to restart from the beginning…
Let me know
dear i install the plugins then plugins automatically enable . dear when i disable the plugins and follow this step ?
I moved your subject here to keep the forum clearest.
Just remember me your setup :
device (rpi, what model)
dac if any (or output used)
Dear balbuze i am using rpi3 and audio output direct rpi3 audio jack .
hi claudio1889,
it should work… Please follows carefully the following instructions…
Hi @balbuze, I use Rasp3, Allo Boss and Volumio 2.246.
Simple Equalizer works fine, but … when starting or resetting Volumio, it does with volume 100/100, very dangerous for my baffles.
Any idea how to fix it?
I have moved your previous from butrefir thread to here.
You can set a startup volume in volumio to avoid it starting at 100%
To do that, you have to disable the plugin, set the max volume in playback settings and re-enable the plugin.
ok you’re right. I made the test and volusme is 100% after a reboot. Need to invesigate to solve this…
Edit : no spa.sure… worth to test.
When I disable plugin, InAudio Output I have
Output Device=Allo Boss
so I put
Output Device=Allo Boss
DAC Model=Allo Boss
Is right?
Or should I leave the first configuration?
When I put the seconf configuration and Save, the device is reset, therefore I can not configure the volume.
The safe way :
Disable the plugin
Set volumio to use your dac (enable i2s and choose the right output) save. Reboot if asked.
Set Volume mixer and startup volume (40 for example) save.
Test with a track.
If OK, enable the plugin. Wait few seconds and test with a track…
Let me know
weird, I works for me… The startup value is properly restored (50 in my case).
Was it ok for you in the past ?
edit : Oh I think I see the problem. Need to do some work on the code. I keep you in touch!
I uploaded a new version.
I made a small change to restore the initial volume. It works well on my rpi2. But it is dependent on a timer, don’t know how it will behave on a rpi3 (faster).
I also added a new preset “soundtrack”…
let me know if better for you
Damn !
could you please past the result of :
cat /data/configuration/audio_interface/alsa_controller/config.json