Volumio x86 + PeppyMeter

What is your screen resolution? You’ll have to modify that file to match your screen otherwise you’ll get the bars. Are you using small, medium, large or wide?

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none of them, i use custom_6 which is provided in the “plugin” archive.
If i choose wide or large, i have no info displayed.
It’s 2:00 AM here, i’ll have to go for a nap :wink:

I was just trying to catch from where configfileparser.py is called when it tests the value of meter_size:

    elif meter_size == WIDE:
        self.meter_config[SCREEN_INFO][WIDTH] = WIDE_WIDTH
        self.meter_config[SCREEN_INFO][HEIGHT] = WIDE_HEIGHT

with this initialization:
WIDE = “wide”

I added the same for custom_6 but i don’t know which value is passed and where from:

CUSTOM6 = “custom_6 (1280x720)”


    elif meter_size == CUSTOM6:
        self.meter_config[SCREEN_INFO][WIDTH] = CUSTOM6_WIDTH
        self.meter_config[SCREEN_INFO][HEIGHT] = CUSTOM6_HEIGHT

custom_6 (1280x720) is the original name of the profile which i’m testing.

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I wouldn’t go that far to change these. Just rename custom_6 (1280x720) to large. Then open the file configfileparser.py and under LARGE_WIDTH and _HEIGHT change it to your screen resolution. PeppyMeter looks for folders named small, medium, large and wide. That’s all you need to do. Don’t mess around with other settings in that file as it might break other things.


Ah ah ah what an efficient idea, it was too late for me to have it thanks!
Will give it a try.
But as any of the stock profiles currently won’t raise data, i fear it will be the same. I will have to find out what differs.

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With the instructions provided by dromichet, I’ve tried to make this a bit easier for those that are not that familiar with Linux.
I’ve let the Spotify part out, as this is still in beta and we’re not looking for additional problems.
This is done on a clean install (V3.396 – V3.611, Factory reset) to make sure we’re not running into orphaned issues

Step 1:
Install needed packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get -y install binutils build-essential python3-pip python3-pil python3-pygame xinput
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
sudo python3 -m pip install cairosvg socketIO-client

Step 2:
Install Peppy meter:

cd ~
wget https://community.volumio.com/uploads/short-url/bUZ6KlbUuyCPgvwLmsLytLhUzw.zip
miniunzip bUZ6KlbUuyCPgvwLmsLytLhUzw.zip -d ./
rm bUZ6KlbUuyCPgvwLmsLytLhUzw.zip
cd Install_peppy
chmod 755 *.sh
sudo ./install_peppyalsa.sh
sudo ./install_PeppyMeter.sh
sudo reboot

Step 3:
Modify settings:

sudo chmod 646 /tmp/myfifo
sudo cp /tmp/shairport-sync.conf /home/volumio/PeppyMeter/shairport-sync.conf
sudo chown -R volumio:volumio /home/volumio/PeppyMeter
sed -i 's/output_device = "volumio";/output_device = "peppyalsa";/g' /home/volumio/PeppyMeter/shairport-sync.conf
sudo sed -i 's/\/tmp\/shairport-sync.conf/\/home\/volumio\/PeppyMeter\/shairport-sync.conf/g' /lib/systemd/system/shairport-sync.service
sudo systemctl stop shairport-sync
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl start shairport-sync
sudo reboot

Step 4:
Create bash script
cd /home/volumio/PeppyMeter

Copy this complete block in the terminal:

cat << EOF > screensaver.sh

sleep 10
export HOME=/home/volumio/PeppyMeter
export DISPLAY=:0

while true; do

if volumio status | grep -q ': "play",'; then

     # Playing
     cd /home/volumio/PeppyMeter
     sudo python3 volumio_peppymeter.py


 # Stopped

       if ! pgrep -x "feh" >/dev/null; then
              pidof python3 && pkill python3
sleep 11s

chmod 775 screensaver.sh

Create the startup service:
cd /lib/systemd/system/

Copy this complete block in the terminal:

sudo cat << EOF > screensaver.service
Description=My Shell Script


sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/screensaver.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable screensaver.service && sudo systemctl start screensaver.service

sudo reboot

tested with a Dell Inspiron 3180:

To do:
See if we can make it into a plugin :smile:


I gave it a try, but it seems something is cached somewhere, the gui stillr eflects i’m using “custom_6” profile, and of course, the screen still won’t stresh.
I decided to stop trying the “plugin” version and will proceed as Wheathen has summaried from your instruction (from scratch).
Let’s see if it behaves better.

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So, i restarted from scratch and installed manually following @Wheaten process.
Meters are working, but no information raising either with wide or large selection.
Anyway, the installation process is really easy and fluent with this set of instructions.

i believe if i can’t make it work, i will simply generate the vu meter in another framebuffer and move it down-right to integrate over the main frame buffer loaded with Manifest interface.

I finally created a new “custom” directory in which i imported files from the custom_6 (1280x720) i had backed up.
Choosing “custom” as meter.size displays meters and information.
So I still don’t catch what happens with the stock profiles.
Anyway, the custom images won’t fit my screen, so i conclude it’s not stretchable and that i’ll need to convert the backgrounds and others pics to my weird resolution of 1366x768 and modify some files to change coordinates of needles.
Am i right?

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test_1366x768.zip (234.7 KB)

Yes your right. But your lucky, I’ve created one for testing my instructions. (Just a rough draft)
None of the stock templates have volumio integrated, so that’s why there is no data.

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Thank you @Wheaten, i gave it a try:

  • replaced black_white block in meters.txt by the block in your meters.txt
  • moved all image files into my custom directory
  • renamed black_white_bgr.jpg to black-white-bgr.jpg
  • had an error executing and realized config.txt was case sensitive, and replaced “black_white” by “Black_White”

And i must conclude this is f#~{{[’ good job :slight_smile:

  • perfect screen matching,
  • Large vu meter on top,
  • jacket bottom left, with song title, band name, album name one below the other, justified left.
  • remaining play time bottom right, and just below, file format, samplerate and bit depth.

PS: needles are a bit too long! let me try to post a picture

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just a bit :smiley:

you can fine tune it, it was just a rough draft. just resize the needle :slight_smile:

how do you proceed? some coordinates to modify or simply the picture to shrink in an image editor?

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Just increase the Y values to 500 or so , that will lower the needles.
left.origin.y = 450
right.origin.y = 450

Thank you, I will test it.
Comparing your images files to the other black_white theme i had, i start to catch how it is built.

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You can also have a look here:


in fact, the needles seems to react quite correctly vs the background graduation.
increasing Y values translate the whole needles to the bottom, which is good in terms of length to the graduation, but causes the rotation to unmatch the graduation circle (sorry for my basic english, i’m french).

the best way to proceed may be to modify the foreground in a more sophisticated design.
i will also try to modify the needle picture direclty.

i tried to design my own, it s quite good but a bug remains :slight_smile:

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please post your files for this one. so I can see what is wrong.

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