Volumio x86 + PeppyMeter

In 12 months of last year, everything worked great, as you can see in this video that I posted on YouTube. https://youtu.be/ulHCd63ZE_g
But this year I changed the hdd, installed the ssd and reinstalled the system and added the lcd touch screen, so yesterday I tried to install Peppymeter and it won’t work.

LCD Touch screen is not needed on a x86??

I know, but I wanted to put it so that I don’t have to turn on the big TV and I put the whole x86 system in the HIFI box.

Hi @Wheaten, are you shure this is the latest configfilparser?
meter.size isn’t an config entry since peppy.player give us the possibility to change the template folder outside program path.

Not sure it’s taken from the link in post 30:
wget https://community.volumio.com/uploads/short-url/bUZ6KlbUuyCPgvwLmsLytLhUzw.zip

Not sure if we can use the current from posting 7, as that one got the debs for pygame, based on the rPi?

You can only use the link from post7. An older version matched not with the downloaded peppymeter version.
If not a raspberry detect, the installer download an pygame and use not the precompiled pygame2.
But I don’t know, which version on a x86 is downloaded. The best way is to use a 1.9 pygame on a not pi hardware.

Currently I’ve taken peppy_screensaver_1.4.2.

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get -y install binutils build-essential python3-pip python3-pil python3-pygame xinput
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
sudo python3 -m pip install cairosvg socketIO-client

cd ~
wget https://github.com/2aCD-creator/volumio-plugins/raw/gh-pages/plugins/volumio/armhf/user_interface/peppy_screensaver/peppy_screensaver_1.4.2.zip
miniunzip peppy_screensaver_1.4.2.zip -d ./
rm peppy_screensaver_1.4.2.zip
cd peppy_screensaver
volumio plugin install

It won’t start automatically, but it’ running. using:


# Check if volumio_peppymeter.py is running
if pgrep -f "volumio_peppymeter.py" >/dev/null; then
    # If it's running, kill both volumio_peppymeter.py and run_peppymeter.sh processes
    echo "volumio_peppymeter.py is running. Killing processes..."
    pkill -f "run_peppymeter.sh"
    pkill -f "volumio_peppymeter.py"
  # rm /tmp/peppyrunning
    # If it's not running, start run_peppymeter.sh
    echo "volumio_peppymeter.py is not running. Starting run_peppymeter.sh..."
    XAUTHORITY=~volumio/.Xauthority /data/plugins/user_interface/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter/run_peppymeter.sh &

But this is where it ends for me.
As it’s just keep on tailoring to keep it working.


I installed Peppymeter as explained here Volumio x86 + PeppyMeter - #30 by Wheaten but nothing happens when I play music. After posting the picture, you will see the configuration and the volume in question. A few months ago I installed it and everything was working fine, now when I had to reinstall the system it doesn’t work. If possible, a little help.
A couple of months ago, the soup was working, but due to the insertion of the ssd disk and the reinstallation of Peppymeter, it no longer works. I’ll post a youtube link so you can see it worked properly before.


Keep in mind, Peppy plugin was built for the rPi. With some tinkering @dromichet got it working on a x-86. My previous post I also got it working, but needed some side steps. For that reason I can’t support it anymore.

When I do as you wrote, my system immediately slows down and I have no sound

maybe the AMD C-70 @ 1.00 GHz 1 Processor, 2 Cores can’t handle the workload. But this is just a guestimate

Hello, i’ve installed the peppymeter plugin on a X86 Dell desktop following GELO5 guide for raspberry.
Finally in Volumio there is no configuration available clicking on plugin options. Could someone help me ? Thank you in advance

Peppy was never written for the x86 platform, only the rPi.
With previous releases we where able to get it running, but currently it’s failing.
You can follow the instructions from a few post back, V1.42, but no support.

First of all thank you for the guide, It’s very usefull an appreciated. I copied all the lines of the guide onto a fresh installed X86 volumio, but after a reboot my "installed plugin " folder is empty. Is there some command to implement further.
I’ m using a Fujitsu Futro S700

I am no longer supporting this.
Peppy_meter was written for the rPi.
It’s to time consuming to debug and keep it running.

If you rely on Peppy get a raspberry.

Do not know if I in the right tree, but at least I am on X86 machine.
I am on Volumio2.

I installed the Volumio version from:

I got python 3.7.3 installed (as python3)
Yes, I manage do it, from Debian buster archive.

I also installed this package, via aptitude:
python3-requests python3-pygame python3-socketio-client

Then I try yo test some moduels in pyhon console, after Peppymeter installation.


import cairosvg

Got error message:

File “”, line 1
import cairovg
IndentationError: unexpected indent

I also tried (at firs, before Peppymeter installation):

sudo aptitude install cairosvg
( get python3-cairosvg)

then I got some xml errors:

File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/defusedxml/ElementTree.py”, line 56, in _get_py3_cls
_IterParseIterator = pure_pymod._IterParseIterator
AttributeError: module ‘xml.etree.ElementTree’ has no attribute ‘_IterParseIterator’

(I removed cairosvg before installing Peppymeter, as I read it installing cairosvg)

The plugin started directly after installation, but after reboot, it crashes whole system. That even if I unactive it before I reboot.

Glad for any help!

Volumio V2 is EOL for a.5 years,
The latest peppy won’t run anymore on a x86, see my previous post

It is not the lates, there is a beta 2.0

It runs if I start it by hand i.e. I do:
sh /data/plugins/user_interface/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter/run_peppymeter.sh

Even having it disabled in gui.

Also funny that I can start it directly after installation (only enable the plugin)

What I expect is that is something with the alsa configuration in /etc/asound.conf that Peppymeter do after installation, that do not functions right after the restart.
Bur I can not change it, as it reinstall after I start Peppemeter.
My bee I can lock it, after doing change in it?

Well, I put the SD card with Volumio2 in an other faster machine with a Core 2 duo processor. Then it does not crash. The old Asus PC 900 atom processor was too slow, he!
So I took up a old screen from the basemet later, an added it instead to the Asus PC 900. Now it even runs on this old computer!

I also did a script inspired by


post above. Thanks for that!

Modified it a bit, looks like this:


sleep 3s
export HOME=/home/volumio/scripts
export DISPLAY=:0
export XAUTHORITY=/home/volumio/.Xauthority

while true; do

    if volumio status | grep -q ': "play",'; then

         # Playing

         cd  /data/plugins/user_interface/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter
         python3 ./eppymeter.py


     # Stopped

           if ! pgrep -x "feh" >/dev/null; then 
                  pidof python3 && pkill python3
sleep 3s


I adde the line:
export XAUTHORITY=/home/volumio/.Xauthority

Script runs without it , but at lest the script runs on users permissions, so a bit more secure.


Hope this help some one else!

Got an other problem also, with screen resoulution. What I understand the main Peppymeter reads the xrand file for its custom alternative. My old computer had very confusing graphical configuration, after commands:

export default DISPLAY=:0

it looks like this:

Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 1024 x 768, maximum 32767 x 32767
LVDS1 connected primary 1024x600+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
   1024x600      59.52*+
   800x600       60.32    56.25  
   640x480       59.94  
   512x300       60.00  
TV1 unknown connection (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
   848x480       59.94 +
   640x480       59.94 +
   1024x768      59.94  
   800x600       59.94  
VGA1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 380mm x 300mm
   1280x1024     60.02 +  75.02  
   1280x960      60.00  
   1152x864      75.00  
   1024x768      75.08*   70.07    60.00  
   832x624       74.55  
   800x600       72.19    75.00    60.32    56.25  
   640x480       75.00    72.81    66.67    60.00  
   720x400       70.08  
VIRTUAL1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

Peppymeter only pic up first part after LVDS1.
So I had to choose the 1024x600
, to make in some way good, but it is only part of screen, though my screen is:

In my:

I had to add the VGA parameter for xrandr:

 xrandr -display :0.0 --output VGA1 --mode "1024x768"

So my thought is, either edit some Peppymeter Py file so it reads card right (add same parameter as in /opt/volumiokiosk.sh) , ore can i add my own screen resouluotion in some config file, witch files to edit?!
Glad for any help?