VOLUMIO soundcheck invitation for Hamburg, Germany

Hi volumio music lovers!

The soundcheck is the best place to see in real and hear all the best I²S DAC Boards around.

So, this is the invitation for next Soundcheck on August, 6, 8pm.

Everyone is invited to come to Hamburg for this unique volumio event.
So, it’s free to come. just write an email to linux @ kompage.de to register and getting more information…

I like to compare these devices:
01 Orchard Audio: PecanPi DAC streamer PSU: OSA ULPS1225b
02 Audiophonics: EVO-SABRE 2x9038 PSU: iFi IpowerX 9V
03 abacus: AroioDac with Isolator PSU: NT-25HQ-09
04 Collybia: Mamboberry Precision DAC+ PSU: Collybia
05 OSA electronics: DACBerry pro+ with Isolator PSU: OSA ULPS1225a
06 allo: Piano 2.1 with kali PSU: NT-25HQ-09
07 Nanomesher: Nanosound DAC2 PSU: OSA ULPS1225a
08 Volumio: ‘Primo’ (on Tinkerboard S) PSU: OSA ULPS1225a

Soundsystem: cambridge audio 740A amp,
(practically same PCB like cambridge 651W amp, plus preamp option)
The amp is also modified for better SQ from Mr. Horwege
ELAC loudspeaker (2xFS78&2xBS244.3)
8 port line switch from dodocus
Lastest Volumio Version on RPI3b+

Soundcheck is an independent and non profit association of HI-FI enthusiasts, gathering together to evaluate with double-blind methodology several Audio equipments. (typically I2S hats for Raspberry PI)
Many thanks to all supporters, to make this soundcheck as great as it is!
(Orchardaudio, allo, collybia, osa, nanomesher, audiophonics and last but not least volumio)