Volumio on Raspberry Pi Zero WH?

I’m looking to do a fun project, adding a built in streamer to an old but rather nice NAD-1020 preamp I’ve had for many years. I’ve searched here but answers seem to be from 4 or 5 years ago so here goes…

Can I run Volumio reliably on a RPi Zero WH? Also, will the Zero work with any DAC hat?


I have. run Volumio on a Raspberry Pi Zero WH for some time now using a Hifiberry Amp 2. I have also used a Raspberry Pi Zero WH with a Hifiberry DAC + pro. It also works with an Allo Boss Dac.

Thanks for the response - this is the direction I’ll be going in.

better to take a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, the price difference is little but the performance increase is very noticeable, compared to the previous model with single-core CPU