I have been using volumio for months, but keep having issues with the music library from my Win7 PC not appearing in volumio.
The PC is connected with a fixed IP on the wifi network. The RaspPi appears to connect correctly to the wifi and consistently keeps the same ip address. Volumio responds and appears to be normal via browser access from my phone and PC. The “network drives” in volumio are green check marked, and I have set them up using the ip number of the PC. Last night I updated “My Music” in volumio with almost 6000 tracks after several hours updating. I was able to view the tracks in My Music and play a playlist including lots of tracks from several network drives. I shut down volumio properly. I was unable to connect to the internet using my PC with that configuration; I had just set up the PC with a specific fixed IP address and had not tested internet access with it. The network was “unidentified” and so I set it up as a “home” network. That fixed the internet connection problem on the PC. This morning volumio shows all the network drives but the My Music only shows a USB stick and the number of tracks shown is only 1878. The PC does connect to the internet and has the fixed IP address I specified on the PC.
I am frustrated with months of dealing with this problem and having to rescan/update (which takes hours to do) frequently just to get the My Music to find the tracks.
I am using fixed IP’s because I thought it might fix this issue, but it doesn’t seem to be the solution.
Someone please tell me how to get this to work correctly and consistently.
I am running Volumio Version 2.0.
Thanks in advance.
This sounds like a conflict between Linux/Windows and SMB shares. I don’t have the answer for you, but Googling along those lines might give you some clues. You can set the SMB version that Volumio is using under ‘Advanced’ options when you mount the share form the GUI. Good luck, and let us know how you get on.