Volumio iOS App

Some issues I have found today, first time reviewer of this app.

When I search for an album and select a result, as soon as I try an action from the topmenu, such as ‘Play all’ of ‘Add all to queue’ the app crashes. When I add a single number from the search result it works fine.

When the queue is quit long (more than 4 albums) the Cover art is mixed up.

Quite often I’ll have to reconnect to the player to get the player working. This also happens with the browser version, so that might be a Volumio thing (or network connection). I thought just mention it, if I am the only one with this problem it is not a bug.

I’ll end with a compliment. Much better usability than the browser-version. So keep up the good work!

I’ll check it.
Are you playing your custom radios or one of the listed?

Thanks for the search function test, i made lots of changes in the browse section and seems that i must to update even the search :wink:

Online Radios added by me but all the categories from “Web Radio” have the same behaviour.
If I go to Music Library when I tap some music it will popup Play, Add to queue, etc. as expected.

Yesterday I also experienced some strange behaviour. For instance if I started playing a Web Radio with the web app. The iPhone app didn’t refresh and there was no option to play, volume, etc. Even if I force close the app and reopen the issue persist. I add to send something to play with the iPhone app ir order to have control over Volumio with the iPhone.

I was able to reproduce the issue but only if I try to add albums. Didn’t crash with songs.
PS: The “clear” in the Queue tab it’s not working.

I had the same problem with radio, i had to reset Volumio to make it responsive again…not sure if it’s a problem related to the app, but i can try to debug the error coming from the missing connection.

I’ll take a look to this and the other issues later today :wink:


I’m interested to test Volumio2 IOS APP (I’m ready to test it on several apple IOS devices).
Looks like I have no rights to sent PM ;(

Regards Chris

UPDATE: The issue with Volumio working and blank player on the app, it’s related to the Web Radio and doesn’t have anything to do with the web app.

If I go to the Queue (on the iPhone app) and press play on my last Web Radio. The app won’t refresh and there won’t be any no controllers (blank page).
After that it started to give me connection error.

If you aren’t able to reproduce the issue let me know at can I do to send you debug information.

Thanks mate!
I’ll check today, i’d been busy yesterday :wink:

monkeyproof - thank you for PM but looks like I have no rights to send/or answer PM.

I’m checking why am I limited and I’m not sure - I hope moderators will remove this limitation soon as I would like to help with testing IOS app :slight_smile:

You at least 5 posts to use PM :wink:

Still would like to test, but the email I received from TestFlight was completely empty…


First of all, thanks for developing the application.

As a beta tester, I have some advise/suggestions, less regarding stability, but more regarding the handling of the Application.

  1. I’ve got 3 Volumio devices running at home. The switch between devices is rather difficult, hidden in the settings. Even more annoying is the fact, that I dont see , which device I am currently logged on. A display of the Volumio Name (or maybe a dropdown to change quickly) in the main Windows would be helpful

  2. Browsing the Library is difficult, if the title of the albums/tracks is longer than the display width. As there is no landscape mode (which I personally do not like either), a workaround to display the whole titles would be nice. This could be either:

  • running titles (like an advertisment banner)
  • side scrolling activated in the library (like in volumio 1.55)
  • break the title using larger rows


Just go to one of the main treads of the forum and present yourself.
It’s not so hard to reach 5 posts :wink:

Please send me another PM, i removed the oldest to get enough space :sunglasses:

Great feedback shaDN, i’m working on something similar for the next build.
About the first point, i placed a little notification bar under the navigation to check the current volumio (visible if there are more than one device), touching it you can switch the active using a dropdown.
The second one it’s done :wink:
Stay tuned for the new improvements :exclamation:

When listening to Web Radios the Pause button should be Stop :wink:

Keep up the good work.

Awesome, cant wait for that!

Hi there,

once the bugs are squashed out this might become the defacto standard for controlling volumio (at least for iOS users).
Thanks for the great work.

The library got better with the latest release and while the web radio list was fixed where the stations were folders, now I can’t tune in the stations anymore. Nothing happens when I tap a station. Playing tracks from the NAS works fine.

I was curious if you are still in doing beta’s on this software. I am interested if you are.

I am interested in testing the beta, I’m an iOS developer so I give you some feedback. Thanks, Dan