Volumio bt akivieren ohne premium

Hallo ich bin neu hier! Ich suche nach einer Lösung das ich Bluetooth nutzen kann ohne das Premium Paket zu kaufen.

Raspberry pi 4
pi 7 touchscreen
hifi berry amp 2 Volumio läuft

What exactly do you want?
Volumio as a BT endpoint = possible
Volumio as transmitter to f.e. a loudspeaker = not possible
Nothing to do with Premium or Free.
Rgds. from Düsseldorf.

just add on end point a bt dac 384khz from rca to bt and you have what you want.
it’s a 60/70 euro device you can even use it as a passtru, tx / rx but you can do without then the sound
more clear that are the once without dac that keep it more low buget.

yes and no.
Yes, I have been using something called Audiokast Plus, by Avantree, for more than 2 years now, connecting an Odroid C1 with an JBL Charge 3 in our bathroom.
It works as a usb audio device and transmits in good quality. Used it with Odroid C1, x86 (Dell Wyse 3040, replacing the C1) and never had any issues with it.
And no, BT transmission is not directly supported by Volumio (yet).