Volumio @ Allo Boss Dac Raspberry pi 3 - playback stuttering

Good evening. I would really appreciate if anyone could help regarding regular stuttering during playback (every other song) from my nas over Ethernet.
Please find a link below to my log contents. Thanks in advance, Gra


Good morning. Anyone be kind enough to point me in the right direction on how to ssh into volumio to try changing the cahce settings or anything else that might help solve this stutter problem?

Found the faq and can now ssh in using putty. unable to access as root/volumio only volumio/volumio.
Now I just need to find out what I need to try to correct the stutter…

I see you’re playing a wav file, which needs very high bandwith.
My assumption is that your network does not allow such high bandwith files to be transfered smoothly enough.

You have 2 options:

  • Raise the buffer size and buffer before play values
  • Play wav files from USB drive

I think the first will solve your issue

Hi. Thanks for your reply & help. I also get stutter using flac files. Would these be too large for my network also?
Audio Buffer size is highest @ 12mb Buffer before play @ 20%

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I’m going to copy the album to usb stick and add that to the pi and try playing the album from the usb.

no stutter while playback from usb. I have increased the my unraid mtu from 1500 to 6000 and am now seeing if this has a positive affect on playback from the NAS.

just had first stutter during playback of 3rd song. bye bye blackbird. Its a gigabit network as is the unraid. However the raspberry pi 3 is only 10/100 Ethernet.

another stutter early into song 4… anyone have any recommendations for my network setup to cure the stutter?

Port speeds do not neccessary mean network speed. Look at what devices occupy your network and what they do.

Maybe look at QoS options to prioritize your Nas traffic to the Pi.

Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk

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Hi Patrick,

Thanks for your reply. I did think perhaps my other devices might be causing my network connection to throttle.

I will take your advice and look into maybe switching some non wireless devices off and see if that helps. cheers

small update. tried qos. didn’t remover the occasional stutter. added one of these: amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00 … UTF8&psc=1
and volumio sees the ethernet connection as 1gb but still the stutter. I’m pretty sure there was no stutter on previous
cd to .wav conversions prior to the latest volumio update?

what confuses me is I can stream 4k uhd video from the pc, tv, ps4 and media player pc with no stutter so why wont .wav & half the size .flac
music files play with out stutter?

It sounds like you may have already checked this, but I was having lots of stutters on my video recorder. After replacing or updating almost everything in my computer, and the router, I found a cheap old ethernet switch I had forgotten existed sitting in the back of the cabinet. Replaced it and it fixed everything. Expensive lesson.

Hi Mike, funny you mention this as I was beginning to wonder if one of my switches is faulty. Ill look into it and do some testing. cheers