Volumio 3 on RPI 4 restarts every few minutes

I did a clean install of 3.391 on a RPi 4 and I am still experiencing the “Configuration Updated Player Successfully Restarted” loop


it’s cycling through the loop every 19 seconds on both devices. on the device that I have dome the clean installs on intermittently it will do a full reboot with startup sound. the device that has only been upgraded just the configuration update cycle every 19 seconds.

another thing I have noticed is that nothing shows up in remote control devices, or group devices.

I had the same problem but changing the DNS to fixed DNS solved the problem for me. At least for now. I used the Google DNS as first DNS and my local router as second (auto DNS works for all other machines on our network).

Prior to that I did try all the tricks suggested above and updated to the last version.

I’m working on this problem right now. I tried to restart the dhcpcd service and got the following error from “journalctl -xe”, “Not running dhcpcd because /etc/network/interfaces defines some interfaces that will use a DHCP client or static address”.
this is the /etc/networks/interfaces file contents:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual

did you run into this?