Hi, I have installed the Volumio on my RP3, in the beginning - my local music from my USB SSD drive was shown in the web interface, but after first reboot - I cannot get access to it anymore. note: via SSH on /media/ folder - I can see my USB SSD drive, but cannot get access to it using the Volumio web-interface - as I did in the past on Volumio 2.
OK I understood what is the reason, I just performed apt-get update in SSH.
And that is the reason.
For now I have downgraded to Volumio 2.917
and all is fine.
I had the same issue. I solved it by manually editing the /etc/fstab file and adding the SSD drive to it.
There are many instructions how to do that on the web, for example, here. Good Luck!
Please if you start modifying /etc/fstab, please check if everything is correct by running: sudo mount -a
Then you can see if the mount is working, before you have a distro that won’t boot anymore.
I am sorry but I do not know how to do that… someone can please help? I have read on the internet about that, but cannot understand what should I do in order to make it work
I suspect the issue arises with some SSD drives that are not (yet) up during boot stage when needed.
Here is what I did:
go to volumio.local/dev in your browser, enable ssh
open ssh to your volumio with user/pw volumio
type e.g. lsbl -lf to find out uuid of your SSD partition
open /etc/fstab as superuser with nano editor
add a line such as “UUID=uuid mountpoint auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0”,
where uuid is the UUID from step 3 and mountpoint the directory, where the partition is to be mounted
If needed create the mount point, e.g. “mkdir /mnt/USB/MyMusic”
Test that it works (see message by @Wheaten above)