Volumio 3 Buster Beta for RPi

that was with me a wait of 15 sec each song that’s why i went back to the 3.010 didn’t matter
what i was playing from radio till local youtube ect…
if you go past a hour mark you will see it is still in mm/ss instead of hh/mm/ss
jumping to the next song before your at the end and the end of the song is not really the end,
mpd trying to play the forgotten part in the next song pretty strange… takes 15sec till it starts
the next song…

only songs with 44.1/16 or 24 are playing, am I the only one with this problem?
I don’t get any sound with 48/92hz.
running 3.066 on RPi3B+, HifiBerry DAC+Pro

V 3.066. Playing local files from nas 192/24 bit ok. I do not have qobuz to check streaming.

I have also mpd_oled, ParamEq4Volumio, touch_display, plug-ins.
Maybe one of them is interfering.

please, you are asked to not complain here about beta buster with plugins installed. It is not possible to sort bug on a such tweaked system. There is a thread dedicated at your not recommended adventure with beta buster and plugins! Thanks

If I deactivate plug-ins, is it the same as not having plug-ins?

most of the time yes. But not always, some plugins change system files (/boot/config.txt) or other and may interfer with the global stability of the system. It is why no plugin are provided with beta…

@balbuze it seems that the same issue happened,
don’t think it’s any issue with plugin’s with Wheaten and me
had the same issue but i fixed it to take a older version 3.0.14 -15
was already mutch slower in the latest is some bug creating a slowing
down because mpd think 2 things the song ends and goto next …
then a check jumps in hey your not finished but already dropt the song,
so i jump in what i have plays the last bit of song 1
then gets a check of new song and jumps to 0 at song 2.

in log i found what i was telling in ms back over 5000ms 3x

Volumiobuster-3.051-2021-03-06-pi is my version with it.

Didn’t know Qobuz was a plugin? I run tests on a SD with and an SD without plugins installed. As I am clear of the statement not to beta test with plugins installed.

i never installed Qobuz and had the same @Wheaten

V3.067, RPi3b+, Pifi-DAC as Hifiberry-DAC plus - the Autostart Plugin still works well with my radio stations, no problems with differnt streams.

I wonder what was changed between the last 10 revisions… the change notice within the UI more or less was the same with every new version. Is there a more detailled version available somewhere on github? I am not so familiar with git - could anyone post a link to history?

One minor finding when logging in with putty: VOLUMIO 2 (c) 2020 instead or VOLUMIO 3 (c)2021:

I installed version 3.067. In Sources, Network Drives, I see my disk as unmounted but if I Rescan my library is fully recovered.

there is a problem in previewing the background

V3.067 qobuz
Name of song is correctly shown when play but if I pause the song and start playing after 1 minute for ex, the name of the song or artist is shown like this : file uid?.. If I press next then the next song has corect artist and song name.

I don’t have this issue on my march release install. What version are you running and have you tried it with an other browser?

Sometimes this happens (elsewhere in Volumio) when the browser needs refreshing … I guess it’s a problem with dealing programatically in a browser whats going on in the backend??

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I have the ver. 3.067 on my RP3, this happens from the phone, Tv and from a PC with Chrome … if I add the wallpapers I don’t see the preview, also if I delete the default wallpapers, they come back on the next restart. ,
I also tried to rebuild Volumio on the Sd and updated but the problem remained.

In version 3.067, the WiFi network configuration with static IP continues to be erased.
It turns off properly configured and when starting it is not configured. I don’t know if the same thing happens with dynamic IP…
I already reported this problem in previous versions.

with the 3.010 it still oke…

RPi 3+ running Volumiobuster 3.067
ApplePi DAC
wifi off
NAS feed via Cat5

The playlist functionality has gone with this release. I can see playlists, I can add them or individual tracks to the queue, apparently, but the queue never actually gets anything added to it. I can add individual tracks or albums from the music library but not the playlist.