Volumio-3.757 DOES NOT WORK for me!

I upgraded the software version 3.757 yesterday (28.09.2024) and now I can see Qobuz playlists, albums etc but nothing plays. The system also does not see the USB harddrive, even the radios do not play. I have RPI 3b+, PecanPi+ DAC and iFi Power Supply. Can it be that RPI is not enough anymore? Previous version worked like a charm. Maybe if there is a way to go back to previous version that may work for me too.

Really frusttrated

Check in sources if Qobuz is still connected.
In playback settings, reset your dac.

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Thanks a lot for your kind response… Not only qobuz but nothing plays, even usb drive and radio. How is a hat dac reseted

You can rerun setup wizard and reselect your dac.
Or in playback settings choose an other output device, save. Now select your dac and save.
If still not ok, please provide log link

This I did… No help. I strongly believe it’s not about DAC setting… The system just does not respond… Music Library does not load, Web Radio does not play… Really strange

If for any reason MPD can’t start, lib won’t load, radio can’t play.
please send link to your logs : How to send a log link for a bug report?


First clean up you /boot/config.txt. Way to many DAC are entered here.

include userconfig.txt

Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter


Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter


Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter


Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter


Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter


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Seems like a good plan, I have used many configs. Too embarresed to say but how to do I clean my boot config? So sorry for the novice level. Shall I take out SD card and put it to a reader and delete by hand or is there another method?

you can do that, but if you are under Windows OS, do not use Notepad for editing the file, it will mess-up the linux end-of-line encoding.

You can use notepad++ to open and clneaup the file

any other safer method out there or its the only way?

if you’re novice, Darmurs suggestion is the safest way.

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One final question, if I do Factory Reset, does it also celans/deletes the Boot file?

Yes, only ./boot/userconfig.txt will survive the factory reset.