volumio 2.118 volume increase and decrease loop

I experience a problem with volumio 2.118, HIFIBERRY DAC + pro on a Raspberry 2.
Mixer is set to hardware, plugin for spotify is installed, music is served from a local disc on the volumio, LAN is wired (no WLAN)

When trying to change the volume by moving the volume slider from the browser(PC or Android smartphone) the volume keeps on increasing and decreasing forever (up and down). Also a restart does not resolve this. I had to wipe user data to fix it.
I searched the forum and could not find similar issue.
Is this a known issue?


I can confirm this problem with 2.114 on a pi0 with phatdac and mixer-control to software.
Changing the mixer to none+restart solved the problem, thus no volume-control at all.

I thought it might be a problem of the phatdac, cause even with mixer-control to software, sometimes the audio-output does not work (songs start playing in the GUI for like 5 s then stop, without any music to hear).

PS. What solved the volume-control for me is: Instead of using the slider, tap the top or down speaker-symbol changing the volume in the standard steps e.g. “10”. But make sure not to use the slider, if you not want to restart a couple of times…