Use parallel connection on 16x2 lcd and pydpiper

Hi wheaten! Mind me i am successfully install RPLCD on rpi3b+ before i proceed to the next step. How or what should i execute to open a existing python script and do import the rplcd?


You want to edit an existing python script?
Use nano on the device or use Filezilla with Notepad++ or Winscp with Notepad++

I mean, open the python script using command so i could import rplcd.

As per said this (Getting Started ā€” RPLCD 1.3.0 documentation) thr next step after conneting wire via i2c

Initializing the LCD

Setup: IĀ²C

First, import the RPLCD library from your Python script.

How should i execute command to open an python script or a python3 script and import rplcd

Sorry for being arrogant, i just want to learn.

Thank you so much wheaten.

Support how-to program Python is not part of this forum.
Maybe someone here has time to do it, otherwise use google.

No no no, i mean what command should i type to open python 3 scripts

pyhton3 /path_to_script/

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Thank you wheaten.