Track Ordering Problem

New to Volumio. Just installed on RPi 3 - picks up music from WD My Cloud NAS then via USB into cheap Maplin/Lindy DAC into HiFi - Works great … but some of my album music files have Track Number e.g. 1 to 12 in Track name, and it plays 10, 11 and 12 etc before Track 2. Can I change it’s logic?

do the track names have the same number as the track tag field?

What’s the difference between those albums playing correctly and those that don’t as you said “some” in your original post

Hi Andrew. Thanks - I’ve only played a few albums so far so it’s logic is the same for all those with track numbers in the Title. How do I see the Track Tag field? I cant spot anywhere to view it. Thanks

easiest way is to download mp3tag, or from a PC right click and look at properties

I don’t have any aiff files to look at. so not sure if they have tags to be honest, but it looks like there is no tag information, so using the file name

Yes, get a tag editor and fix your music so it’s consistent. I do mine with:
Filename: 01 A Forest.flac
Title: A Forest
Track: 01

No issues with sorting then.

I had no problems with track order, but now with version 2.853 I suddenly have problems when playing from Media Server (QNAP TS251B). My files are named “two-digit track-number” “track-title”.“track-type” (03 Flamenco.mp3) but are sorted in track-title order. The tags are all correct (track-title, track-number, artist, album-name, album-year). Is this a new problem of Volumio or maybe a bug of my QNAP-NAS?

To me it looks that maybe an update or chaged settings on QNAP side. When retrieving from DLNA server, Volumio obeys to what the DLNA server sends

Thank you for your answer. I think you are right. When I access QNAP Media Server via my Pioneer Network Player I get the titles in the same order as via Volumio. Now I have to find out, what is wrong with the QNAP Media Server!

I changed the browsing settings of QNAP Media Server (Media Streaming Add-On) to “Use File Names” (for display) and now the file names are used for display and the titles are sorted by file names too. So everything is OK with Volumio (and my other Network Players)!