[SOLVED] I2C screen and I2S DAC both using SCL pin

I got a generic 1602a lcd screen connected via I2C backpack to my Raspberry Pi 3 model B. I want it to show artist name and song title (I’m using this guide by Mark Wheeler as is the best it works for me: http://www.markwheeler.com/wordpress/?p=557 , and I also adapted the code to manage 16x2 instead of 20x4)

Also I have this PCM5102 DAC: https://www.ebay.es/itm/I2S-PCM5102-DAC-Decoder-32bit-Player-Module-Than-ES9023-PCM1794-For-Raspberry-Pi-/262660256800?hash=item3d27c57420:g:gd4AAOSw-0xYPVj3 On volumio, it works if I configure it as “Generic i2c Dac”.
I followed the wiring instructions as described here: masterandrey.com/posts/en/dac_r … i_pcm5102/

But as you can see, both the I2S DAC and the I2C share the SCL pin.

I read on the internet that the Pi can manage various i2c at the same time as long as they have different addresses. So I I spliced the cables and connected them to the SCL pin. At the begining i didn’t notice any problem: the dac still worked fine, also the screen, at least separately.

By running:

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

I got that my lcd screen address is 0x27, as normal, but the DAC doesn’t appear (I was not expecting it, since it doesn’t use the SDA pin). But if I disconnect the SCL pin from the DAC I only get noise.

When using volumio without the screen receiving any data, sound comes out the i2s clear and nice. But when I want to use the i2c ldc screen, the sound is choppy and constantly “jumping”, although the screen works with no problem. When the python program ends (or i stop it), the audio

Any ideas on how to solve this?

Is this normal?
Should I bought another DAC that doesn’t use the SCL pin? (and which?)
Should I connect the screen via GPIO pins instead of I2C?
Should I connect the screen or the SCL pin to i2c-0 (Pins 27 & 28)? I read that this is not recommended, but what happens if I only use the i2c-0 SCL pin for instance?) .

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my english.


I have got the same DAC from Ali, this is how I have wired it (not using the SCL-pin!)
…this is the result, my little streamer:
, for 2,89 euo I am happy with the result :smiley:

Kind regards,


I will try if it works. Thanks!

Solved! It works perfect!
Some of my wiring were unnecesary.

Thank you very much!