I have a question concerning the quality using Airplay and Volumio2. When i stream the music stored on my phone i think the quality might only be as good as the iphone sends it over wlan to volumio and of course how good it is stored on the iphone. Whats about the spotify app? There i can also use volumio as output device. So is the iphone loading the music over the spotify app and then sends it to volumio? I am just not sure if this might be bad for the quality?
So, what do you guys think what’s the best way to use spotify and volumio?
Hi Philip, yes if you use spotify via airplay, the quality will be less optimal than using the native spotify implementation of Volumio…
Definetely, use spotify on Volumio UI to get the best quality result…
Please could you clarify why exactly streaming Spotify from an iOS device via Airplay to Volumio reduces quality? From what I have read I thought that Airplay should stream losslessly from the source.