Qobuz playing too fast

I’m using a Pi 3b with a Allo Digi+, it has suddenly started playing everything too fast when streaming from Qobuz.

In frustration last night I reinstalled the software. No difference has been made. It still sounds like playing a 33rpm record at 45rpm. Everything has been working perfectly for years. The only change that has been made is I updated to the latest software a week or so ago. It was initially fine, I don’t know if it has auto installed something very recently.

Any help fixing it would be appreciated.


It was ok after update and then suddenly, with no action became to fast?
what version are you using?
can you send log? How to send a log link for a bug report?

can you install last beta that should fix it?


enable test mode
go back to main page. An update to v3.779 is proposed then.


Sorry downloading the beta doesn’t seem to have worked. Curiously it appears that it is doubling the bit rate, so from 44.1 to 88.2

Hi-res appears to be ok