Qobuz connect feature

Nobody interested in this?

I am also listening only qobuz and I would like this feature if it is possible. Thanks. Or on short term to add qobuz Playlist sorting in volumio implemnentatio

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+1 for the QOBUZ Connect feature on Volumio :slight_smile:


+1 on this feature


+1 for this

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Sorry guys but there is no such feature on QOBUZ… If there was we would love to implement it


Qobuz Connect

Qobuz Connect is a feature that allows you to connect your Qobuz app to a wide range of equipment, including hi-fi equipment, car stereos, and multi-room equipment. The Qobuz application therefore naturally serves as the hub for the media center.

“Qobuz Connect is not a proprietary format. It is therefore designed to work with a wide range of brands and devices. Of course, it requires the manufacturer to implement the option on the device.”

Isn’t this Qobuz connect? Maybe it is out now? Sorry not sure, all these naming are confusing :slight_smile:

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I think this was an old idea, which for whatever reason was shelved.

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It think Qobuz interpreted “Connect” different that Spotify. With Spotify you can use connect to control spotify running on your server. With Qobuz it’s just airstreaming or BT output to a device. However even though Qobuz detects Volumio’s shairport, shairport crashes on Volumio when trying to stream.


Ok thanks for the clarification guys. The “Connect” keyword is used differently indeed, although I think Spotify and Tidal use it both in the exact same way.

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Hi everyone,
following contacts with qobuz, they told me that a Qobuz connect plugin is under development and that it should see the light of day this year. If so, will the volumio team be able to integrate it as it was done for Tidal?
Thank you for your answers.


I am also qobuz subscriber. I would also want this feature.


I would also like qobuz connect


I would like to see this feature added, just like Tidal Connect was added.

Thank you.


+1 Just switched from Tidal to Qobuz. Tidal sound kind of funny for some reason, while Qobuz sounds exactly like my local flac files. I am going to miss Tidal Connect.

Me 2, loving Qobuz, would love to see an easier implementation in Volumio.

+1 for this feature

+1 too, this feature would be great.

+1, that feature would be nice.

+1 Totally agree
please do not keep it personal but Qobuz UI is much better than Volumio’s :slight_smile: