Since the update to 2.565 i run into problems wilt al kind of spotify playlists.
The lists are show, but if you want to have the details of the list it is impossible to get them visible.
Also playing a list does not work.
Playing previous songs does work.
Do we run into some sort of spotify api issue again ??
Further investigation:
The progress bar on top, runs until the last 3 % there it stops.
It seems the request to show the list of music or artists is started but then it fails
BTW my plugin folder contains a version of the changed index.js with access token.
Deinstall reinstall seem not to work. I did not update the token, so only a clean install with of the plugin. Further into the logging.
Seems playlist features are broke.
Featured playlists, klick on one and logging shows: BAD URI
Mar 31 09:29:56 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: [1554024596074] ControllerSpop::sendSpopCommand
Mar 31 09:29:56 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: ADDING DEFER FOR COMMAND ls
Mar 31 09:29:56 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: FIRST BRANCH
Mar 31 09:29:56 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: BEFORE: SPOP HAS 1 PROMISE IN STACK
Mar 31 09:29:56 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: AFTER: SPOP HAS 0 PROMISE IN STACK
Mar 31 09:29:57 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: spop , handleBrowseUri
Mar 31 09:29:58 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: spop , handleBrowseUri
Mar 31 09:30:00 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: spop , handleBrowseUri
Mar 31 09:30:08 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddQueueItems
Mar 31 09:30:08 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems
Mar 31 09:30:08 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems
Mar 31 09:30:08 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: Adding Item to queue: spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DX2czWA9hqErK
Mar 31 09:30:08 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: Exploding uri spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DX2czWA9hqErK in service spop
Mar 31 09:30:08 volumio01 volumio[859]: info: Bad URI while exploding Spotify URI: spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DX2czWA9hqErK
Further investigation: clean installation from the Volumio image.
Problem seems the access same, featured lists are not working. My own playlist is empty and is not filled at all. Looks the old issue where the plugin needs the manual set access token seems still needed?
I am puzzled… ca’nt find a solution at this moment …
There were a few versions of the patched Spotify plugin’s index.js floating around, so I put the last one back into the master branch of my Github repo. Make sure to grab the latest here:
Plug in your refresh token and all features should be working. I’m running this on 2.565 right now. To verify you are running the correct version take a look at Volumio’s log file (/var/log/volumio.log). You should see this line after the startup messages:
info: Spotify credentials grant success - running version from March 24, 2019
Earlier versions had a date of March 23 or no date at all.
I´m new to Volumio and have the same Problem. As far as I understand this thread, the solution would be to get the correct index.js from github and do some magic with my refresh token. Sorry for asking dumb questions, but could you give me the correct command to pull the file from github? And could you point me in the right direction how to plugin my refresh token?