Problem booting from a USB SSD


I’ve had an RPi5 for a short time. I installed the latest bios available.

I can easily run it via SD card, everything works great.

On the other hand, if I plug a Samsung 850 Pro SSD into it in USB 3, it cannot boot ??

It shows me an error message : “sh : can’t access tty; job control turned off”

There is also a question that I was asking myself, where are the data from web radio stations that we have entered manually stored? I would like to save this file in case my SD card crashes…

While we’re on the subject, what is the average lifespan of an SD card used to run Volumio ?


If you’re trying to boot from USB, that doesn’t work. You need to boot from SD.
If you’re booting form SD and this error appears it might be a power. Try to external power the USB device.

If you have an myvolumio account they are stored at Volumio’s server and will be restored on your new installation if you login with the same credentials. .
The files are stored: /data/favourites/my-web-radio.
But install Volumio on a small 8GB SD card. When done create a backup using WIn32DiskImager. Use Raspberry Pi Imager to restore it to a larger SD if needed.

If things go wrong you’re back up and running within 15 minutes.

Hello Wheaten and thank you for your good advice.

Cool thank you very much !!

Is it possible to boot Volumio from an M.2 SSD connected via PCI ? Or will I have the same problem what with USB disk that refuse to boot ?

I hope this problem will be corrected quickly. It’s very annoying to boot from an SD card, it takes 1 minute instead of a few seconds and SD cards generally die quite quickly when there is an OS running on them…

Currently I boot from an SD card and I store my music on an external SSD. To save space, can we put the music on the same SD card as the OS, and if so in which directory ?


  • The rpi5 boots from SD within 20 seconds, so maybe you’re using a very old SD?
  • Currently DEV’s are looking into booting from other media, so keep following the forum for updates.
  • Yes you can, you need to store it in /data/INTERNAL via SFTP.
  • I use a SD card Sandisk Extreme Pro 128 Gb tested at 85 Mo/sec read and 77 Mo/sec write on disk linux software. It seems to me that these values are close to what the RPi5 can do best, right ? Do you have an SD card model to recommend to me to obtain better results ??

  • I’m looking forward to news on the possibility of installing Volumio on SSD, thank you :slight_smile:

Here are the exact access times, but before the graphical environment on smartphone or PC is available it takes +/- 60 sec

volumio@volumio:~$ systemd-analyze time
Startup finished in 6.614s (kernel) + 30.931s (userspace) = 37.546s reached after 30.914s in userspace

I’m looking forward to the ability to boot to a small M.2 SSD to reduce OS boot time and store my music on it as well.


We launched alpha test build in this thread; which is also an invitation for collaboration.

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