I Think Scraping method has problem, it is not working… Google API method is ok. I tested with Pi4, PC X86, AmlogicS905W… Can you fix it or update @patrickkfkan?
do you have all the info ?
volumio version, mpd version, version youtube2 plugin… any errors ect…
tested scraping is broken… rpi4/4g on 3.010 / 3.015 / empty live log
it is also broken on v2.873 with updated mpd
YouTube made a few changes that broke scraping. Give me a moment…
OK, made some changes to the plugin, tested it briefly, seems to be working.
As usual, follow instructions on Github link to update.
Please let me know if i’ve missed anything.
tested it and works on 3.015
tested it and works on 3.010
tested it and works on 2.861 ( framboiseMusicale )
tested it and works on 2.873 (with updated mpd) ( Josh2000 )
@longmobi can you test the new updated version?
Hi Patrick
I’ve updated YouTube2 from Github and everything was ok ( Status :Successfully updated plugin )
But when trying to activate, there’s an error:
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: info: Enabling plugin youtube2
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: info: Loading plugin “youtube2”…
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: error: !!! WARNING !!!
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: error: The plugin music_service/youtube2 failed to load, setting it to stopped. Error: Error: Cannot find module 'gaxios’
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: error: Stack trace: Error: Cannot find module ‘gaxios’
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:547:15)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Function.Module._load (module.js:474:25)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Module.require (module.js:596:17)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Object. (/data/plugins/music_service/youtube2/node_modules/gcp-metadata/build/src/index.js:9:18)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Module._compile (module.js:652:30)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Object.Module._extensions…js (module.js:663:10)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Module.load (module.js:565:32)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at tryModuleLoad (module.js:505:12)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Function.Module._load (module.js:497:3)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Module.require (module.js:596:17)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Object. (/data/plugins/music_service/youtube2/node_modules/google-auth-library/build/src/auth/googleauth.js:18:21)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Module._compile (module.js:652:30)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Object.Module._extensions…js (module.js:663:10)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: at Module.load (module.js:565:32)
Mar 10 19:56:47 volumio-rpi3b volumio[5456]: error: !!! WARNING !!!
My Volumio is 2.861
I know that I have few storage (a 4Gb SD Card) so either my issue is about not enough space or a bug in latest sources…
@framboiseMusicale did you reboot after update?
Yes, I have rebooted
@longmobi what volumio version are you running?
@framboiseMusicale, have you tried with a bigger card then?
The gaxios module is there:
$ ls /data/plugins/music_service/youtube2/node_modules/gaxios/
CHANGELOG.md LICENSE README.md build package.json
I have deleted files to make space on my SD Card
I have uninstalled then re-installed and it works well
thanks and sorry for this newbie issue
I confirm it is also working again on v2.873 (with updated mpd)
Thx m8 for fixing it AGAIN you are the best
Are there any plans to add “casting” functionality, so you could beam Youtube videos directly from the Youtube App on Android or iPhone like with most smart TVs and chromecast?
I found a project called Casttube that has managed to make this work, but it doesnt seem to be used anywhere except as a Kodi plugin.
i don’t think so… volumio is only a hq audio player and if you cast it you can’t play it true volumio in hq
I have noticed an issue when I’m in random/shuffle mode and have a couple of mp3/m4a tracks from my NAS as well as some tracks from youtube loaded in the queue. Whenever the player lands on any youtube track, it keep looping that one youtube track and does not move on to a different track in the queue list. Has anyone else come across this issue? Any possible solutions?
I tried with two different pi3’s. And had the same issue.
I’m currently running volumio 2.873 and MPD 0.21.16
@tekdrumio did you try other release of volumio? like 3.xx
because i guess that it’s in 2.xx version
No I haven’t tried 3.xx yet. I’ll give it a try later this week. Where can find the latest version of version 3.xx?