In your /boot/userconfig.txt file, you should have something like
In your /boot/userconfig.txt file, you should have something like
I just checked and my userconfig.txt only says:
Should I add this to it:
What is your Volumio version?
What is the Touch Display plugin version?
Hello to all.
I’d installed latest (3.742)Volumio and now i’m not able to install latest version of Touch screen plugin - because of “hdmi touch setup”, v. 3.3.6 of plugin is working OK…
I’d unplugged not touch screen hdmi monitor, all usb devices, did a lot of reboots, but still the same issue. As a play device i have i2s hat, RPi is 3B+.
Have u some idea somebody please ?
Thank you.
PS : sorry for my bad english, but i am “self teacher” - basically i learned english from movies and yt only…
In Volumio 3.742 and 3.757 display rotation (180°) of original 7’’ touch display is not working anymore.
Plugin 3.5.0. Is there a way to fix this?
Add in /boot/userconfig.txt
This workaround fixed the problem for me.
You first need to enable SSH in volumio.local/dev before being able to edit the file with Putty.
(Login volumio - volumio; nano /boot/userconfig.txt)
This is a bug in the Touch Display plugin. I will provide a new plugin version to fix that.
Version 3.5.1 which should fix the issue is available as beta from the plugin store.
Many thanks for caring - that was a fast response!
However, this version is not yet visible on Volumio.local Plugin → Search plugins → Touch Display → Details, where the different versions for install are displayed.
3.5.1 is still beta. To see beta versions in the plugin store go to: http://{yourvolumioaddress}/dev and click “Plugins test mode” (Plugin system overview | Volumio Developers Documentation).
Tried it, does not work yet. Commented out the 2 lines in /boot/userconfig.txt and installed plugin 3.5.1. Installation only worked after deinstallation and reboot. Does not yet rotate.
If you have currently set a rotation of 180 deg., please set 0 deg. and reboot. Then set rotation back to 180 deg. and reboot again.
If you have currently set a rotation of 0 deg., please set 180 deg. and reboot. Then set rotation back to 0 deg. and reboot again.
If rotation should not work then, please run
cat /boot/userconfig.txt
and post the output.
Changing and reboot 2 times did not help…
Welcome to Volumio for Raspberry Pi (6.1.69-v7+ armv7l)
volumio@volumio:~$ cat /boot/userconfig.txt
# Add your custom config.txt options to this file, which will be preserved during updates
# lcd_rotate=2
# display_hdmi_rotate=2
Hm, it works here flawlessly on a Pi 4B, 2GB, with Volumio 3.757.
What is your Pi model?
Pi 2B. I don’t like to change, because it has the wires of the screen soldered to the GPIO and never runs hot.
Could you test with a fresh Volumio system?
After fresh installation starts up, shows message below and stops doing anything after a few seconds. Fresh installation worked with 3.742, also update to 3.757, which image is still working fine. Opened support request at Volumio Support.
Just for information: Rotating the display from 0 to 180 degrees and vice versa also worked for me with plugin version 3.5.1 on a Pi 3B running Volumio 3.742.
I have 2x Rpis, 1x RPi4 and 1x RPi5.
I updated both to 3.757 rebooted then checked my plugins.
I tried to install this plugin v3.5.1 and had installation errors on both at the same spot…
Error install Virtual keyboard extension.
Tidying up
It then appears to proceed to 70% before hanging.
Removing plugin directory
An error occured while updating the plugin Error
Removing temp directory…
If I restart the browser on my iPad the plugin shows “Install” as opposed to update and if I click Install it throws an error saying the plugin is already installed.
I clicked Install again after a reboot, 3.5.0 gets installed. This behaviour is identical on both RPis.
Now, if I uninstall Touch Display 3.5.0, reboot, then install 3.5.1 it seems to work fine.