[PLUGIN] Touch Display

Hi, I’m sorry if this topic has been addressed elsewhere but I can’t find any mention of it, I recently had to reinstall volumio and tried to install the touch interface for the standard 7" screen, and the install keeps failing because it fails to download any of the files located at the lucidnetworks mirror, it appears that the file hierarchy has changed at this mirror and I’m not sure how to go about updating the list…
it tries to reach Index of /raspbian buster/
but should be pointing to
Index of /raspbian/dists/buster
as best I can tell. Perhaps the issue lies elsewhere, I’m a total novice, but I keep getting the same 9 or so errors all related to this address, and on the rare occasion that the install completes the plugin won’t activate because xserver can’t be reached.
any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated

The Touch Display plugin does not provide a link for the repository you specified. I guess the link for this software repository is predefined in Volumio’s “/etc/apt/sources.list” file. I’m not near a Volumio system right now so I can’t check but maybe you can look into that file.

Looking there I only see two addresses listed and neither are the lucidnetworks links that seem to fail for me :frowning:

This seems to be a mirror to which one of the servers configured in “sources.list” probably redirects.

Hi gvolt,

I’ve just downloaded and installed the latest Volumio 3.324. However when I tried to get the Touchdisplay 3.3.5 plugin, I got an error message and couldn’t get it installed. I wonder what is the reason behind this?
The screen is 8.8" 1920x480.

Thank you!

EDIT: Got the 3.3.1 installed (no luck with the rest) but got the xserver error.

Here is another error message when I tried to adjust the timeout.

The problem you have is network related IMHO. During the plugin’s installation process a bunch of additional software has to be downloaded and installed. Most probably a download error occured when you tried to install version 3.3.5. Unlike 3.3.1, this version detects download errors and cancels the installation of the plugin, avoiding the impression that the plugin has been installed successfully.

So choosing to install 3.3.1 was not a good idea for exactly that reason. The installation seems to have been successful only… but it wasn’t. You probably had a download error (again) affecting an Xorg related package and that’s why you see the error message shown in your post above.

I can only recommend to uninstall version 3.3.1 and try again to install 3.3.5. Make sure you don’t have DNS issues.

Thank you, I managed to download a much older version and manually install it successfully.
Now I wonder if you could send me up the link for 3.3.5 so that I could do the same way?

There is no direct link I could provide. The plugin should be installed using Volumio’s plugin store.

Even if you had a direct link this wouldn’t help with your issue because this link would just download the plugin’s zip file. But this file does not contain the additional software the plugin requires and downloads and installs during it’s own installation process. So in that regard it makes no difference from what source or in which way the plugin gets installed.

When you managed to install the “much older” version you mention successfully then you just were lucky that no download error occured during the plugin’s installation process. IMHO the installation of 3.3.5 could just as well have succeeded. :wink:

Hi I’m using this plug-in and it works fine but sometimes during reboot my screen that I power via the PI USB is just to late in booting and (guessing here) then it seems the screen-support is switched off. Any way I can delay the detection a bit or introduce a retry ? Thx Ives

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The best solution is to using a separate PSU for the LCD screen. As most screens draw a lot of power that even might impact the sound quality.

Hello. I have a problem finding the plugin in version 3.3.5? I am uploading two versions found but I do not have the option to rotate the screen (I bought a rotated panoramic screen) to use it I have to rotate it. The second problem is, despite the installation of peppyMeter, this is not displayed (I can choose the resolution, type of indicator - but it does not appear like this) waveshare display 7.9 inches

Version 3.3.5 of the plugin is available from Volumio’s plugin store (“Plugins Management” → “Search Plugins” → “System Hardware”).

What do you mean when you say “I am uploading two versions”? You don’t have to upload but download the plugin using the plugin store.

Further questions: Why two versions? …and what versions are these? …and what happens/what do you do with these two versions after “uploading”?

Could you please go to the configuration page of the plugin, take a picture of the visible options and post it here?

Is this the display you have? Or dou you have the version using the DSI interface?

https://www.waveshare.com/product/raspberry-pi/displays/lcd-oled/7.9inch-hdmi-lcd.htm I have such a display. I can’t find the plugin responsible for the screen in volumio options? I have downloaded the PeppyMeter plugin but nothing shows up. That’s why I wanted to add a screen plug, because maybe Peppy doesn’t work without it? The question is whether PeppyMeter should work without a screen plug? Should it work, no matter what source (radio, files, YouTube) I play music from? I mean the screen plug in ZIP format latest full version. Basically I have two screens, both HDMI. One to be built into my player project, the other 1024x600 now hooked up to the Volumio. Volumio put on MiniPc.Interestingly, the widescreen display, although the inverted image on the raspberry displays the image via HDMI, while the mini PC connected to it blinks and nothing more, even when I connect an additional power supply.

@gvolt already tried to help @TomSy via facebook and since I couldn’t figure out what exactly went wrong with installing the touchcreen plugin.
I also explained it, first get the touchscreen plugin working and only then continue with peppymeter.

why he can’t update to version 3.3.5 is a mystery to me also he talks about uploading :thinking:

here he is talking about plugin zip format…so i think he manually installed the touchcreen plugin but i explained to him that the touchscreen plugin has to be installed from the plugin store and i think something goes wrong there.

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Hi. I don’t really understand - from the plug-in store. So I have to manually not upload plugins through the filezila program and then PuTTY? Now I connected the widescreen before starting Volumio and it loads with the installation screen view, but when the installation is finished, only the stripes appear on the screen, which then dim. If I could just flip the screen, I wouldn’t have to return it and abandon the project. On a clean uploaded system, I do not have any screen plug!

only peppy meter needs to be done manually via filezilla and then install via ssh/cmd.

as @gvolt pointed out Version 3.3.5 of the plugin is available from Volumio’s plugin store (“Plugins Management” → “Search Plugins” → “System Hardware”).

@gvolt pointed out Version 3.3.5 of the plugin is available from Volumio’s plugin store (“Plugins Management” → “Search Plugins” → “System Hardware”). I don’t understand that - sorry. Should I download it from the Volumio item in the last “shop” tab?

when you connect to your raspberry pi via a browser and in the volumio interface click on plugins then on system hardware and scroll all the way down you will find the touchcreen plugin and there you can install or update.

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