[PLUGIN] Now Playing

comment this one out and reboot and check if this works for you


Thanks dvo.

I tried to comment that out but still can’t get the screen to off.
I once again tried to uninstall the touch display plugin, rebooted and reinstalled.
Still no luck and with the now playing plugin disabled.
There is a small flicker at the screen just after the timeout for the screensaver…

Did you already try adding


to your “/boot/userconfig.txt”?

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That did solve it! Thank you very much gvolt :slight_smile:

Any other feedback on this? I’m at wits end on this one device. I’ve completely reinstalled the Volumio OS from a fresh image and the plugin is still broken.

For what it’s worth, it’s working fine on 5 other devices on my network.

nope it’s not broken, i installed it on Rpi4 volumio 3.396 fresh install last week and it’s still running oke.
maybe you didn’t set it up allright.

I think the problem is related to the plugin seeing the Volumio IP as the loopback for some reason

Nope it’s not, it’s aka localhost that’s normal if you call a service on the same device.

right, but should it be using that for the plugin daemon as well? “” is what’s listed in the Now Playing config page.

Also, checking the source on the page from another browser shows the plugin trying to pull from the loopback IP as well:

pluginInfo: JSON.parse({"appPort":4004,"version":"0.3.7","appUrl":"","previewUrl":"","apiPath":""})

also, the latest version of the plugin is working on all of my other devices except for this one.

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yes on port 4004 you can call the plugin just call it with the << ip of the pi >>:4004 you will land on the plugin.

than that one has a little trouble to get outside pulling the images the rest is working.
so it could be that in that spot of your network is it hard to get it.
is it wired or wireless?

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It’s a wired connection with a static IP. Tried with DHCP with same results.

What I’m saying is the JSON should have the device IP, not the loopback. When I right click the blank placeholder for the weather icons, it’s resolving to the address.

For example, here’s the HTML from a working Volumio device:
pluginInfo: JSON.parse(`{“appPort”:4004,“version”:“0.3.7”,“appUrl”:“

I also checked config.json to see if the IP is somehow hard coded in the config file, but couldn’t locate anything referencing it. Seems like the plugin is only seeing the loopback adapter.

Not sure what is happening. The Now Playing plugin should not use the fallback IP, but the devices IP.
Can you try setting different DNS in Volumio like and
If that doesn’t do the trick, use automatic IP, just for testing.

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Good news. Somehow got it working through trial and error. Disabled, re-enabled the network adapters (including the non-existent wireless one that Volumio shows by default), and reset all of the network configurations. This finally got the Daemon setting to reflect the correct static IP but the Weather icons still weren’t showing up. Took setting them to “Custom” with no other changes to make them reappear.

Must have been some weird networking quirk on my x86 based device since the RPi and Tinkerboard versions run the plugin perfectly.

Thanks for the advice.

Hi, all working well… I think the screen timeout on 0 or 30s-300s is the go as leaving the backlight on all day for the sake of a clock and weather would wear out the official touch screen display too fast apparently. A dimmed display would be the go if always on (when not playing).

I was thinking a schedule but not sure if the settings take affect properly:
Brightness 1 = 250, start time = 06:00am
Brightness 2 = 25, start time = 19:00

ps. The google hub gen 2 has a similar sized display and a lot more smarts, shame can’t hook that up. Guess you really need an ambient light sensor.

I’ll give your settings a go. I’m also not keen on leaving the display burning all day.

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Yeah it’s just so it’s not too bright at night.
Kind of irrelevant if screen is off. Like you I don’t want the screen on all the time for nothing so 15-60s good in the touchscreen settings (even 5 min be ok)

There is a Dayframe program for the Android platform. It can turn a tablet into a photo frame. In the program settings, there is a choice of screen on and off time, blackout time, photo source selection and theme selection. Similar settings in “Now Playing” will be very useful.

The progressbar in the nowplaying screen is not moving.

Is their a way to reduce the brightness of the Now Playing display?

The lowest setting on my screen (Waveshare 7.9 HDMI) still seems too bright,

This happens randomly for me too.
When the next track starts it seems to sort itself out.


I have a similar problem. The progress bar sometimes does not start moving when a song starts. At the next song it works again. It is also fixed by interacting with Volumio in any way that changes the informations visible on the now playing screen (pause, volume in-/decreasing…). The progress bar is then immediately set to the correct time and works flawlessly until the song ends.

The progress bar freezing can be solved for the track playing
Go to the Plugin Settings.
Click the very last setting Broadcast Refresh Command