[PLUGIN] MPD OLED - installation & configuration plugin

@Adrii I got partially working

actually I can select on volumio settings the loopback output and spectrum work fine, but no audio from my DAC
either if select my DAC spectrum stop working

also noticed that after reboot /etc/asound.conf return to original one

@davidevinavil Why are you refering to Volumio2?

The plugin includes an ALSA configuration file, you should change the part that outputs using volumiofifo to instead output through the loopback device. Compare with the example files in the mpd_oled issue to see the (small) changes required. Sorry I can’t be more help at the moment. If I have a chance, I’ll look at making a working configuration file for the plugin when I set up a Volumio machine, at the weekend.

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I was on Volumio 2 until some days ago…
then switched to moode and has no issue with loopback device, but I would stay on Volumio 3 if all works…
Actually I’ve enabled mpd_oled_FIFO but as on Volumio 2 it is not always in sync between playback and spectrum

Yes, I think that would work! @davidevinavil

You’ll need to change mpd_oled/asound/volumioalsa.postalsa.5.conf and set the output to your loopback device.

Have you actually got it all working on Volumio 2?

Yes but wit fifo

what FIFO?


Just to be sure…
From a fresh clean volumio3 install, you installed the plugin from the store, enable it, no other change and it doesn’t work as expected?

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Yes. Music playback stutter as hell
Since it work smoothly on moode I think the alsa loopback is the solution

But in the meantime I’ve installed on a fresh build mpd_oled from source and got it working using mpd_oled_fifo without stuttering, but the no-sync issue is there randomly

I don’t remember the plugin use fifo right?

The plugin uses an ALSA configuration file that send the audio to a FIFO which then goes to CAVA…

@adrii if you do ever get chance, I’m happy to include any changes in the plugin…

The loopback copy may take some time to get right for general use, but could be handy to include in the plugin as an alternative to volumiofifo, especially if it turns out that the loopback copy fixes @davidevinavil 's issue.

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Yes, it took 2 years to get this far and I wasn’t the one to fix it and I still don’t understand ALSA :persevere:

I feel it’s better to give have as many options as possible because no two volumio installations are ever the same!

Firstly, many thanks for the plugin. :+1:

As you say, there are so many different Volumio setups out there that it seems that sorting the plugin for everyone is going to be a constant uphill struggle.

With my rubbish eyesight I’ve gone for a large screen with peppy screen saver making my OLED display almost redundant, more of a novelty nowadays. From what I read on the forum I don’t think I’m in a minority.

I too know very little of ALSA but…

….would it make your life easier to offer the option of a ‘Clock Only’ display? Would this remove any of your headaches? The lucky ones who have no problems could opt for a ‘Full MPD OLED’ experience, the rest would have the clock to look at.

I for one would be happy with a nice clock display, Maybe dim the display when Volumio is not playing but really - I’ve not missed the spectrum display when it’s hasn’t started.

The main interest of using AAMPP, the Volumio ALSA architecture, is to provide a unique way to handle ALSA from a plugin. With it, a plugin never talks directly to the audio HW. In other terms, it is HW independent and all sources are interested by these settings, and can be chained with other audio plugins (FusionDsp) or plugins with alsa contribution (mpd_oled, peppymeter- if one day made conform to requirement…)
I don’t know where the problem met by some users comes from and causes not determined (alsa, cava, mpd_oled). It seems to work most of time…
Just consider it before any change :wink:

One of the problems appears to be that if the player program changes then the ALSA audio parameters are locked by cava (on its configuration branch), and if the player needs to set parameters that are not compatible with this then there will be an ALSA error (or the player may use non-optimal parameters). Ideally cava would be killed and restarted to match the Volumio play state, but I don’t plan any new development on the current version of mpd_oled.

In the past I have also received requests to remove the clock!

A configurable layout would be the best option for mpd_oled. However, if you wan’t the clock screen only it is a very minor tweak of the code to always display that screen.

You’re welcome! :slight_smile: The idea of the plugin was just to make it easier to install and use mpd_oled. When I get another raspberry pi I will try to replicate the issues people are having.

It should be able to change mpd_oled and build it. You can make it display whatever you want as the code is commented thanks to @Adrii I do have the idea of using a json file to configure the layout which I’ll implement in the future.