[PLUGIN] MPD OLED - installation & configuration plugin

me too

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The test isn’t a 10 second delay, but a wait of 10 seconds between testing if mpd is running. However, if mpd_oled is close to running at the right time when it is started by the plugin then a 10 second delay might be plenty.

… but if the plugin is started from the interface, rather than at boot, then a fixed 10 second delay will be quite long to wait for the screen to display something, whereas testing for mpd running (which happens before any 10 second delay in the launch test) will not produce a noticeable delay.

Oh yeah, I didn’t see the do loop!

The plugins have a function called onStart which is fired and this appears at the end of the boot process and I assumed that ALSA would be up and ready to go at this point. I think I might be better to test if mpd is running as the 10s delay might be too long!

You’re spot on! I’ll add a check if mpd is running. I’m not sure if it’ll work because I’m not entirely sure what the issue is but it’s worth a try. Cheers!

@michel8166 legends! :sunglasses:

@michel8166 @wheaten

v1.0.15 with the delay has been pushed to the beta channel
The delay has been added to the mpd plugin service bash script which checks for mpd to be running, just like in @Adrii launch script check.

I can’t test this as I don’t have a screen available :frowning:

I have no idea if this will help or not :grimacing::persevere:

tested with beta v1.0.15, exactly the same problem with the only change that the mpd plugin is now disabled/inactive after a reboot.


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When I am back home I will run some test with delayed service, to start mpd_oled after mpd has started. Currently no access to a rPi with a OLED.

I made a mistake which I’ve now fixed, try v1.0.17 when you get a chance cheers! :grimacing::thinking::persevere:

oh dear :confounded: now the screen does not turn on at all, even after pressing safe.
stuttering stream is also still present even after pressing safe in the mpd plugin.

mpd plugin is only active after a reboot


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oh no😥

and now i have a problem, beta 1.0.8 is gone from plugin store and this is the only version that works for me.

then I will have to install it manually the version from @balbuze

installed the version 0.0.45 of balbuze and it works right away without any problem :thinking:


The fundamental difference between the latest version and Balbuze’s (v0.0.45) is in the latest version uses a service to start mpd_oled process and a precompiled version of CAVA. I can’t see anything that would cause any issues :disappointed_relieved:

I don’t think the delay is needed or waiting for MPD to start because in Balbuze’s version, it starts an mpd_oled process immediately and everyone has said that this version works perfectly! So not sure what else I can try… :disappointed_relieved:

yet something happens that causes an error to creep in, but what.

Yup and I can’t see any issues in the javascript. :disappointed_relieved::thinking:

by the way I am making a streamer for my nephew and it uses an audiophonics Saber ES9038Q2M dac.

now an oled screen is included as standard.
is it possible that this mpd oled plugin also works with this type of dac and oled screen that goes with it?
iit uses i2c-SCK/SDA but on the dac board itself.

I think it would as it’s using I2C which uses the standard pins. It also looks like the same type screen that most of us have used too!