[plugin] GPIO control: control GPIO with Volumio 3 events (now RPi5 compatible!)

Ooh handy to know thanks!

Forgot about my pi Zero 2. It turns out that the plugin publish is telling me to run git add * but when I commit the changes github tells me that my branch is up to date, so Iā€™m not sure what the problem is :ā€™( Help!

volumio@volumio3:~/volumio-plugins-sources/gpio_control$ volumio plugin submit

This command will submit a plugin for publishing in the plugins store. Newly submitted plugins will be verified by the volumio team. After verification the plugin will be publically available on the beta channel. When the plugin is properly tested in the beta channel, it will be promoted to the stable channel, available to download by everyone. Every subsequent version of the plugin will alo be put in the beta channel, and will be promoted to the stable channel after testing.

? do you want to change your version? (leave blank for default) 1.0.0
Your repository contains unstaged changes. Please stage and commit your changes. Use 'git add *' to stage all changes.
For help please go to: https://volumio.github.io/docs/Plugin_System/Writing_A_Plugin.html
volumio@volumio3:~/volumio-plugins-sources/gpio_control$ git add *
volumio@volumio3:~/volumio-plugins-sources/gpio_control$ git commit
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:

nothing added to commit but untracked files present

please try the following steps, from your RPi running Volumio

  1. re-do volumio plugin submit, increasing the version number (1.0.1)
  2. git add --all (it should add the file with the increased version number)
  3. do again volumio plugin submit
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Thanks that worked like a charm! Lets hope it gets added. How exciting!

I still canā€™t see it in the available plugins in beta modeā€¦

i also see the node modules are part of your submit, they shouldnā€™t be there

@mervinio can you give some hints?

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I can delete them and resubmit :+1:t4:

I canā€™t submit the plugin without node_modules folder being present, not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong.

volumio@volumio3:~/volumio-plugins-sources/gpio_control$ volumio plugin submit

This command will submit a plugin for publishing in the plugins store. Newly submitted plugins will be verified by the volumio team. After verification the plugin will be publically available on the beta channel. When the plugin is properly tested in the beta channel, it will be promoted to the stable channel, available to download by everyone. Every subsequent version of the plugin will alo be put in the beta channel, and will be promoted to the stable channel after testing.

? do you want to change your version? (leave blank for default) 1.0.1
Compressing the plugin
No modules found, running "npm install"
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From the plugin folder without node modules, launch 'plugin submit '. It will build node modules and submit the plugin for arch set in package.json.
Once done, you have to send a PR of your code to volumio plugin sources.

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After first submit the plugin is not visible yet in beta mode, we first do an initial verification.

The plugin is now available in beta mode.


I ran volumio plugin submit and it complained about there being no node modules and then stopped.

Compressing the plugin
No modules found, running npm install

I had to run npm install in order to submit the plugin, but made the PR before the node_modules were installedā€¦

Awesome! Thanks!

Iā€™ve now given the plugin the ability to pulse on and off, after a delay if required. Hopefully, available in the debug plugin store now! :sunglasses:

Delay function has been implemented! Available in the debug plugin store now! :sunglasses:

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Can you see it now?

Iā€™m not at home, I will try ASAP!

No drama! Let me know when you get a chance :slight_smile:

I tried yesterday evening, I can confirm the plugin is available in the Beta channel and it works like a charm! well done!

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Wow! Amazing :smiley::+1:t4: Thanks!

@mervinio could you please promote it as stable, after checking if the code fulfills the coding rules?

Thanks for you help @Darmur and @gvolt!

I love your tube headphone amplifier @Darmur!