[plugin] GPIO control: control GPIO with Volumio 3 events (now RPi5 compatible!)


Glad you like the plugin :slight_smile: That is a good idea, hopefully Iā€™ll be able to find some time to do itā€¦



Iā€™m glad you find the plugin useful. :smiley:

I donā€™t understand your question sorry. The link you supplied is about using PWM to control LEDs but it looks like you want an input to be sampled? Not sure if it possible. I tried to use Pigpio once for PWM but I couldnā€™t get it working :frowning:


Hi supercrab,

thanks to your reply.

no i want no sampling the input.
i only want to signal by LED what sampling rate is playing.

when switching the GPIO 5,6,13 by this schema

Sampling rate higher than 96 =(176, 192, ā€¦) -> GPIO 5, 6, 13 switch to high
Sampling rate higher than 48 less and eq 96 =(88, 96) -> GPIO 5 switch to low, 6, 13 switch to high
Sampling rate higher or eq than 44 and less 88 =(44, 48) -> GPIO 5, 6 switch to low, 13 switch to high
Sampling rate less 44 -> GPIO 5 switch to high, 6 switch to low, 13 switch to high

it is possible to use a RGB LED to GPIO 5,6,13



It was not possible to use PWM without running the plug-in as root unfortunately. The bit that does PWM needed root :pensive:

I donā€™t know how to get the sampling rate sorry. It could be possible by calling a web service thats run locally on volumio.


I guess from here

Does that return the sample rate of the sound device or the currently playing media source?

It returned the Curently playing media info

Cool, thereā€™s also a web service that returns JSON thatā€™s probably easier to digest. Trouble is I found no way of doing PWM within a plug-in :weary:

Have you looked at api/v1/getstate it has both samplerate and bitdepth fieldsā€¦

Yes, thatā€™s the one - I forgot what it was called, so thank you very much for that!

Hi Mase,

I am trying to install the plugin from Github, but I donā€™t know how to do it without Zip. I am completely new with this. Could you please give a suggestion to install it?

I have a RPI4 with Hifiberry DAC2 and run volumio (obviously :expressionless: )

Thanks a lot! Steve

Hi, you shouldnā€™t need to install from zip, it is already bundled within volumio. You should be able to find it in Plugins, Search Plugins, System Toolsā€¦


I must be blind as a bat. Have been looking for it several times.

Thanks anyway! Cheers

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Haha! GPIO Control :smiley:

No problem!

I installed it, and will definitely use it for LED controls, but it is not doing what I was hoping for; a possible alternative pen configuration for GPIO3 for the wake-up. Any tricks?


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it could be to do with the default of the GPIO, some are high and some are low on startup.

hello and congratulations for such a great plugin!!

Would you please tell us how to connect GPIO pin to an esp8266 so we can read play / not play on esp8266 ???

I think you should try the GPIO buttons plugin (give it a google) as that reads the GPIO. My plugin can only write to the GPIO but it sounds like you need to read from it.

Hi @supercrab

any chance you will port your plugin to Volumio3?

actually it works fine after re-building two node modules

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Alrighty Iā€™ll have another bash :+1:t4::sunglasses: now that v3 is released :laughing: