[PLUGIN] cd player


does anyone had a chance with a cheap drive from aliexpress?

I tested this usb CD drive.

  1. It doesn’t work on a rpi. I think that’s a power problem.
  2. So I tested it on my Pc for 5 minutes… And now the CD drive is dead. :neutral_face:

In general CD drives draw quite significant power from USB port.
So it’s probably a good idea to use a (very well) externally-powered USB hub in-between PI and CD drive to avoid problems.

Yeah that right. But I had not a active hub by my hand. So I test it on my Pc.
But no matter … The drive was already broken after 5 min. :smiley:

I noticed a bug: if I open the CD drive while playing, the CD player plugin tries to keep playing. Once in a while it will all of a sudden play the bit it buffed. If I then insert another CD, it tries to continue the previous one, resulting in digital noise (glitches). Is it possible for the plugin to detect if a CD is ejected and if so to stop playing?

Something else is that I have to set the playback speed to at least 20x to get continues playback. Isn’t that a bit high? I have an LG GP57 ‘ultra slim portable DVD writer’ connected to a RPI3, running latest versions of Volumio and the CD player plugin.

Thank you very much for developing this plugin!

Sent from my ASUS_Z017D using Tapatalk

Which Volumio and plugin versions are you using?

First issue was supposedly fixed a while ago: please confirm if it is still there if you use all latest versions. You may enter issue in author’s github page, so that he gets directly notified.
Second issue should be fixed with an updated MPD version: unfortunately it is not yet available on current Volumio: you may test with the older trial version in that referenced post.

Thank you for the reply! I have Volumio 2.389. I can’t figure out which version of the cdplayer plugin I installed. I copied it from Dropbox link in the first post, but that one doesn’t seem to be the same as the files as on GitHub (github.com/geeks-r-us/volumio-p … e/cdplayer). How do I download the latest version? I searched through this topic, but I can’t find a link. I also tried git clone https://github.com/geeks-r-us/volumio-plugins/tree/f/cdplayer/plugins/music_service/cdplayer , but that gives a ‘repository not found’ error.

I’m sorry for asking stupid questions, but my Linux experience is rather limited…

so should have the fix, as author posted it after mentioning the fix.
You may want to try with older Volumio version mentioned in the second part of my previous post (with improved MPD), in case the issue reappeared with recent Volumio, or MPD fix also fixes this (did not test in a while).
You may then report in author’s github in full details.

Hi, I had this cd player running a while ago and loved it. But after I had to reinstall volumio, I’m not sure how to get this running without their drag and drop plugin installation. How do I do this? And is it stable with the most recent version of volumio?

Hi all - I registered to make this post. Thanks to @geeks-r-us , @macmpi , and other contributors!

I am new to Volumio but fairly experienced with Linux. After a bit of noodling around, here’s my (working) method for installing the plugin from a fresh scratch installation of Volumio 2.411 on x86. There’s no reason, AFAIK that this method shouldn’t also work on rpi.

Enable ssh via the DEV page (i.e.,http://volumio.local/DEV)

SSH with user volumio password volumio:

ssh volumio@volumio.local

Apply system updates:

apt-get update apt-get upgrade

Install required build dependencies:

apt-get install make g++ libudev-dev

Update npm:

sudo npm install npm@latest -g

(Note, sudo will ask you for a password. It’s volumio)

Clone the code from github:

git clone --single-branch -b f/cdplayer https://github.com/geeks-r-us/volumio-plugins.git

Switch to the plugin directory and install node modules:

cd volumio-plugins/plugins/music_service/cdplayer/ npm install
You will get some warnings from Nan::Maybe and ffi.
You will see and ERR notice about not being able to find static binaries for udev, but it should fall back to source complile with node-gyp. This is why we installed libudev-dev before, to get the correct headers for compiling.

Install typescript:

sudo npm install typescript -g

Compile index.js with typescript:

tsc index.ts

You will get some errors, but it should still leave you with index.js in the working directory.

At this point we can install the plugin using the volumio plugin tool:

volumio plugin install

Feel free to open another session and tail -f /var/log/volumio.log if you want to see what’s going on.

Once the plugin install completes, you should be able to see it in the plug-in manager section of the UI (volumio.local/plugin-manager) under Installed Plugins. Set the slider to “On” and you should see the Active/Inactive indicator go green.

Confirm that you have the Audio CD source in the Browse section, and enjoy your CDs!

Hope this helps!

Please be very careful with apt-get upgrade
It may actually ruin your volumio distro, because there are volumio-specific dependencies which could be destroyed.

apt-get update should be enough

Otherwise, interesting work, going to try this…

Good call out. It doesn’t seem to cause any catastrophic issues with a fresh, vanilla install, but caution is prudent.

Dear sir,

Thank you for your hard works. (I run latest beta 2.452)
I have followed the instructions and able to active CD Player plug-in on my Volumio(Pi3 - B).

I just have few questions to ask for your helps.

(1)the CD playback sometimes skips…like breaking up the song.

so, I wonder if I can increase the buffer/cache for CD playback?
*please let me know if there is another post that is about increasing buffer on playback (not DSD) by editing command line via puffy(SSH)?
*or if I use an USB CD Player that has independent power supply will solve this problem as this adds stability to the player?

(2)online metadata source for CD disc.

Some CDs that I play, such as ADELE 25, it will automatically show the album art when playing the CD disc, including the track title names.
But these are not available for some albums.

so, I want to ask if I can add more features to search more online metadata source, such as Discogs, GD3, Music Brainz, feedb?
*if there is another posts about online metadata, please let me know, as I cannot find it. I may have used the wrong searching words.

Your helps are very much appreciated.

Sincerely, esprithk

The cd plugin is really great except there some breaks. Is there possible to add all the tracks to play list instead of whole CD in the play list?

I tried to change the read speed to 20x. it is better. I need to put buffer to 2MB and 10% in order to minimize the breaks. I discover that the resampling to 24/192 is still working fine.


I bought the latest Raspberry Pi3 B+, and it is faster which helps to minimize the CD skipping/songs breaking during CD playback.
It helps alot. But I still want to edit the buffer cache if possible.

Please tell me how do I edit the buffer?

Thx, much appreciated!


After some research and testing,
I found out that I get best result by setting the buffer size and buffer before play LOWEST

Audio Buffer Size = 128KB
Buffer Before Play = 10%

Now, no more song breaking. Volumio plays CD music smoothly.

Hi, does anyone know how to update MPD independent to avoid lag when playing CDs?
I think the latest version if MPD will solve this issue.



(1) The best playback quality is to follow my reply above for the Playback setting in VOLUMIO
*without edit the “mpd.conf”

Audio Buffer Size = 128KB
Buffer Before Play = 10%

(2) However, if you want to edit the file manually,

a. in VOLUMIO, go to NETWORK, write down your VOLUMIO’s IP address
b. on your web browser, go to



c. open PUTTY, and enter your VOLUMIO’s IP address (PORT 22)
d. login user: volumio, password(default): volumio

*if you want to change password,
type “passwd” and change your login password for security.

e. here are some basic command for LINUX

To return to ROOT

cd /

To go to folder (start from ROOT)

cd /folder name

cd /folder name/sub-folder name/

To go to folder (if you are already inside a folder)

cd folder name

If you want to check the list of the folder/files

ls -a

OK, to edit a file (text editor) *such as for .conf files

sudo nano filename

For your question about mpd.conf
you can go to

cd /etc
sudo nano mpd.conf

or you can type

sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf

warning: if the text editor is empty, it means you are creating a new file “mpd.conf”, which means something is not right, usually it is because you are inside the wrong folder or still at ROOT. You must see some configuration text.

OK, inside mpd.conf

you will try to find


remark: actually, this is the same as what you see on the Display of VOLUMIO SETTINGS.
This is why it is no point to do it.

in my experience and after I did some diggings of information on the internet,
it is actually better to set the number to the lowest instead of select the highest number.

*Additional note:
I upgrade to latest Raspberry Pi 3 B+ (2018) and it helps alot on stability and eliminate the CD skip issues.

Beside CD music playback by USB optical drive, I am able to add “TIDAL plugin” and play lossless music from my TIDAL account.
(however, it does not sync with My Playlist. I am waiting for updates for “upmpdcli”)
*You can do some search on volumio.org for TIDAL plug-in installation and activation (it is a built-in feature).

Warning: DO NOT UPDATE to latest Version 2.502, or else, TIDAL plug-in through 'volumio_mediaserver" feature will be disable.
You will need to pay monthly fee for “MyVolumio” services for music streaming.

by the way, remember to turn SSH OFF (disabled) after you finished updating files.

Someone replied that TIDAL plugin (through “volumio_mediaserver”) still works on Version 2.502
I need to find out why.

Anyway, I have changed to use “BubbleuPnP” now.

(1) Install “BubbleuPnP” for Volumio
(2) Install “BubbleuPnP” on my Android smartphone (Sony Xperia)

Now, I can control all my music files on my smartphone and VOLUMIO playback.

through BubbleuPnP in my Sony Xperia, I can access both my NAS and my shared music folders in my Windows 10 PC remotely.

Hi guys. could you tell me which guide to follow for not having blocks in reading the cd player? do I have to do it by ssh or can I do it from web ui? Hello