I believe that I can hear a difference between non oversampling and setting the oversampling to 32. It may be in my head but I’m hoping to return to non oversampling. Does the new kernel address this?
Knock Knock anybody out there?
Has anyone with a Kali re-clocker updated to the latest version? Can you play 24 files with oversampling? Except this issue Volumio is working as intended. I’m reluctant to update due to the issues and time involved but would if this issue is fixed in the kernel.
I’m only looking for Yes or No…
thanks in advance.
I see this is a self help site. The new kernal does NOT allow 24 bit playback and till requiers oversampling.
i have no problems with playback on 24 bit oversampling to 32 bit.
non oversampling also no problem with playback on 24 bit
i am on version 2.461 dev enabeled, kali reclocker i2s directly to audio gd dac.
I see that you have an allo piano 2.1 on top of the kali reclocker, my friend has the same combination, I will ask him if he has problems playing 24 bit non oversampling.