Paying for services already paid for in Qobuz

My direct Qobuz app shows description of albums . Why do I have to pay for a service I’ve already paid for and provideed by Qobuz not Volumio? Kind of aggravating…

Qobuz integration is part of the Volumio premium features. The subscription fee is used to pay the servers of the Volumio infrastructure, and the salary of the developers working on new features and maintaining the system with bug-fixes, as an example.

Nobody is forcing you to pay the subscription fee, you can keep using basic Volumio features for free.


I have a virtuoso subscription which supposedly pays for the qobuz integration.

I think you need to give us some more detail.
If you have virtuoso, it includes Qobuz/Tidal/Hi-res integration.
So you need to fill your account details in Sources for Qubuz.

I get qobuz fine just not the description of the music or artist. The message says i need premium.

thank for the info, now I understand what your topic is.
Indeed the music information is a premium function. it’s something that is custom built by Volumio.
You can upgrade and only pay the price difference between Virtuoso and premium, for the remaining period of your Virtuoso plan.
see: The new simpler Volumio 3 Subscription plan

If you have a screen attached, you can also take a look at “now playing” plugin. This will also display music information.