OLED spectrum display on Volumio on Raspberry Pi Zero W

Hi Lintbf

It seems strange that the display is not changing from the “stop” screen to the “play” screen when you play music. If this is not the case, and the “play” screen is showing but without the spectrum display, then you could first try repeating just the instructions for setting up the audio copy.

Otherwise, yes, delete the old cava and mpd_oled source directories and start again.


I have deleted and reinstalled the scripts but still only the watch is shown, pause screen, could be a pin not connected?

Hi Lintbf

I went to update to the latest Volumio, but see that the version v2.852 you have installed is a development version. Hopefully whatever is currently stopping mpd_oled working on your system will be fixed in the next stable release, but if not I will look at it. I don’t think the issue relates to the way your OLED is connected or configured.


After I will instal the stable version I will come back with a feedback.
I have used this with an dsi display and with out this oled 1.3 is without life my streamer and I like the watch…
Many thanks.

II have the new 2.852 stable version and I have the same issue :(.
Maybe others User can confirm or infirm

From volumio team

Hi Lintbf

I installed the new version and was able to reproduce the issue.

I gave an explanation in the other thread:

I have just pushed a fix for this. Thanks again for reporting the issue.


I’ve also fixed this with:


That is fast :slight_smile:
It means that it is fixed Adrian?

Volumio fix will be available in next release…

Hi Lintbf

Yes. If you clone a new copy of mpd_oled the issue is fixed.


Hi Adrian,

It is fully working :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Florin

Great! Thanks for letting me know.


But previously have observed that in the home directory only volumio was available, no cava or mpd oled… And I know that I have installed it… Could have been deleted?

I have installed radio paradise plugin and I have observed the same behavior as in qobuz, when music is stopped the screen does not switch to watch, only the spectrum display is stopped For others webradio is ok

Hi Florin

There are three player states – “play”, “pause” and “stop” – but mpd_oled only has two state screens, with the “pause” screen being the same as the “play” screen. It is easy to add a configuration option to mpd_oled to make the “pause” screen the same as the “stop” screen (meaning that mpd_oled will also switch to the “stop” screen when pausing music"). I’ll do that. [It would be better to include a timeout option for “pause” to swich from “play” to “stop”, but I don’t want to make any complicated changes to mpd_oled at the moment.]


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Hi Florin

I have pushed this change. Get a new copy of mpd_oled and set option -P s and the pause screen will be the stop screen.


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wonderful! many thanks for this change!

Thanks for tbe update but I have deleted the mpd folder, and install it again but when I run sudo bash install. Sh I receive an error mpd_oled no such file or directory
. Thanks

Strange :slight_smile: it started to work suddenly :slight_smile:

Later edit. Where should I add the option - P and s, in mpd oled. Service? If yes after I do a sudo bash. Instal. Sh, I receive the above error.