OLED spectrum display on Volumio on Raspberry Pi Zero W

Hi Lintbf

You can use different pins for I2C. I don’t know where the documentation, is but you can see how it is configured here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=254694
My understanding is that it will not using the hardware I2C, and so I don’t know if there will be speed issues when using it with mpd_oled.



Please recommend me from ali express 3 I2C oled display

  1. 0.96 inch 128x32
  2. 2.42 inch 128x32
  3. 0.91 inch 128x32

I see a lot of models and since theshippmend takes long I want some models that I know you have used in your projects and works.

Many thanks for your support, I am new in this dyi projects also in rpi world but I like it and I am planning to build 1 streamer with 5 inch dsi interface and 2 3 radios with pi zero with Darmur project.


Hi Florin

The display needs to be 128x64. I have previously bought generic 1.3" I2C SH1106 displays from ebay, e.g.: https://www.ebay.es/itm/White-1-3-OLED-LCD-4PIN-Display-Module-IIC-I2C-Interface-128x64-for-Arduino-UK/192413255024?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 they have all worked fine with mpd_oled. I bought a generic 1.3" SPI SSD1106, and this also works fine. Some people are using a 2.42" SSD1309 with I2C, and I believe also SPI. I am not aware of any models of the supported display types that do not work with mpd_oled.


Why there is written for arduino?
So can I choose any size as long as they use the supported controllers?

Arduino projects also use these OLEDS, e.g. https://www.instructables.com/id/Monochrome-096-i2c-OLED-display-with-arduino-SSD13/

The physical size of the OLED doesn’t matter, it should just need to be I2C or SPI, 128x64, and with an SSD1306, SSD1309, SH1106 or SSH1106 controller. I can’t guarantee that any individual display will work with mpd_oled, but if you see a display that you like and are unsure if it is supported then feel free to post the link.

If you’re going to use I2C OLED screen together with BassFly-uHAT (the project I released), you need to take exactly this model: 0.96" I2C OLED DISPLAY MODULE 128X64 SSD1306

If you take a bigger one it will not fit with tactile buttons, mechanical design has been done with that model in mind. Furthermore, according to the documentation of mpd_oled add-on, resolution must be 128X64

If you’re going to order PCBs from PCBWay, you will find the OLED module on their bazar, you can order that one and have it shipped together with PCBs.


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I have installed an oled 1.3 inch
The display is running but when I play a song the spectrum bar is not shown, nothing is shown in

that corner
checking for initscr in -l… no
configure: WARNING: building without ncursesw support ncursesw is recomended!
checking for library containing iniparser_load… no
configure: Building iniparser
configure: Checking OS
configure: Linux detected
checking that generated files are newer than configure… done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: error: cannot find input file: `iniparser/Makefile.in
volumio@volumio:/mpd_oled/cava$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
volumio@volumio:/mpd_oled/cava$ sudo make install
[sudo] password for volumio:
make: *** No rule to make target ‘install’. Stop.
volumio@volumio:/mpd_oled/cava$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
volumio@volumio:/mpd_oled/cava$ sudo make install
make: *** No rule to make target ‘install’. Stop.
volumio@volumio:/mpd_oled/cava$ cd,
-bash: cd,: command not found
volumio@volumio:/mpd_oled/cava$ cd mpd_oled
-bash: cd: mpd_oled: No such file or directory
volumio@volumio:/mpd_oled/cava$ cd…
volumio@volumio:/mpd_oled$ sudo systemctl start mpd_oled

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Hi Lintbf

The problem is that there is an error stopping cava from being built, and so cava is not installed. The error you posted is:

config.status: error: cannot find input file: `iniparser/Makefile.in’

But I imagine this results from an earlier error.

Could you have another go at installing cava (in a fresh directory):


And review the output of running autogen.sh to see if there is an error, as this script should have created the file you are missing.


Hi Adrian,
Thanks for your response.

  1. How do I ins all cava in a fresh directory?
    I have run 2 times the scripts from the github help.

Hi Lintbf

You could do

git clone https://github.com/karlstav/cava cava2
cd cava2

Then continue with the installation.


I have installed in cava2,
The autogen. Sh does not give any error…
I have the same results
When I run. /cava from cava2 folder I get this :Linux kernel snd_aloop seems not to be loading

Hi Lintbf

If you can run ./cava from cava2 then the build has completed (the new error is from not using the configuration file created by mpd_oled). In which case, try running

sudo make install

from the cava2 directory and then run

sudo systemctl restart mpd_oled

and hopefully the spectrum display will now be working.


I run this command but is not working… When I run. /cava from cava2 the window is open but the graph is not shown
It is very strange

Hi Lintbf

I have just installed mpd_oled on a fresh copy of Volumio, following the installation instructions, and the install went fine and produced a working spectrum display.

I am not sure what went wrong for you, but there was some kind of error during the cava build configuration before the output you posted. Your copy of cava in cava2 appears to be working. If you have installed it you should be able to run the following command without getting an error that the command is not found


In which case, try restarting your machine and see if mpd_oled is now displaying the spectrum.

Otherwise, you could consider that some of the existing directories are not in a good state, and could delete all your mpd_oled and cava directories and start again. When you install cava and mpd_oled again any old installed copies will be overwritten.


The comand cava is ok, but nothing is shown,
Tommrow I will delete al folders and start again the process.
Thanks for your support and have a nice evening.

I have deleted cava and mpd oled dor, install again, no error reported, but graphs is not shown…
I use default values in mpd oled service values.
What can I do more?
Can I conect an 0.96 inch directly without any config?
Many thanks

did you modify the mpd template configuration?

Configure copy of audio

The MPD audio output needs to be copied to a named pipe, where Cava can read it and calculate the spectrum. This should be configured in /etc/mpd.conf, but changes to this file will be overwritten by Volumio. Instead, edit the mpd.conf template file

sudo nano /volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/mpd.conf.tmpl

And add the following lines at the end

audio_output {
        type            "fifo"
        name            "mpd_oled_FIFO"
        path            "/tmp/mpd_oled_fifo"
        format          "44100:16:2"

After editing the file it is important to force Volumio to regenerate mpd.conf and restart MPD. To do this, open the Web UI and go to Settings > Playback Options then click on Save in the Audio Output section.

Hi Darmur,
The save option from web UI did the trick :slight_smile:
Now it is working and I live it :))). I will full the house with players… And lcd screen. And the watch feature when is not playing is great.
Thanks for your continuous help

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great, well done! :wink:


I currently run kodi on an Odroid C4 (previously a C2) and I’ve long wanted to add a front panel display that includes a sound spectrum. Researching the topic a bit more recently, I came across a thread from 2015 that suggests the kodi doesn’t make the necessary data easily available (though it’s been of interest to a number of people) and then I found vol_ / mpd_oled.

All of my music resides on a Windows 10 PC and gets streamed via UPnP / DLNA. In reading through mpd_oled details on the moode forum this morning, I became concerned when I read this posting:


which suggests that, for moode anyway, the UPnP renderer bypasses MPD, so no spectrum display is possible.

Is that information accurate? How about with Volumio, since it’s supposed to be “a UPnP frontend to MPD”? Does all Volumio audio pass through MPD, such that anything that is playing can get the corresponding sound spectrum displayed?

At this point, I’m entirely in a “research” phase. I don’t yet have any display, or a finished case in which to place everything. I don’t even know whether I’ll stick with the Odroid C4 or switch to a Raspberry Pi! The Odroid C4 has (I think) I2C and SPI available on its GPIO connector. There’s seemingly a much larger community around the Pi, though. So, any and all advice is welcome!


[EDITS: spellliing]