[NOT RECOMENDED!] Plugin and Tweaks Adventures on Buster Betas

I am.Sure . I have copy it with winscp to rpi then use miniunzip and successfully unpacked and run volumio plugin install, then appear in the, it plugins menu but when I try to activate it, it say plugin error start pls contact developer.

Gpio plugins doesn’t work in buster as it. Node modules need to be updated (recompiled)

If you pls give me the command to compiled I will do it gadly and let you know.

@Lintbf scroll up :wink:

Thanks @ashthespy .
I have run the command in :
but I have the error attached

gpio_buttons_compile_error.txt (23.6 KB)

@Lintbf There is a good reason why plugins are not enabled by default on these Beta images. It is because most plugins need to be updated to work with these new versions.

I don’t mean to sound rude, but there are posts already on this theme – please search, if you still have issues, we can help, but don’t expect step by step instructions and/or debugging your install logs each time!


@gvolt Many thanks , with your command it worked .
@astephy : You are not rude at all , I understand you . It worked with “npm install --save onoff@6.0.0”

wget https://github.com/volumio/volumio-plugins/raw/gh-pages/plugins/volumio/armhf/system_controller/gpio-buttons/gpio-buttons.zip
# install plugin .
# install gcc compiler 
sudo apt install build-essential
cd /data/plugins/system_controller/gpio-buttons/
# Remove old node modules
rm -Rf node_modules
# Update the ancient onoff so that you can use  epoll@4.0.0
npm install --save onoff@6.0.0
# Restart volumio
volumio vrestart
#Done . 


Give this a shot and let me know if it works?

cd /data/plugins/music_service/volspotconnect2
rm vollibrespot
wget "https://github.com/ashthespy/Vollibrespot/releases/download/v0.2.3/vollibrespot-x86_64.tar.xz"
tar -xf ./vollibrespot-x86_64.tar.xz
./vollibrespot -v

Thanks a lot…it works now…i can see volumio as streaming device in spotify app now…will do some more tests

I’m glad to present you FusionDsp.
This is a Dsp center, powered by CamillaDsp. It proviides :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

A 15 bands graphic equalizer
Or a 2x15 bands graphic equalizer
Or a Parametric eequalizer with :
    Up to 50 bands (peaking, lowshelf, highshelf, lowpass, highpass, notch)
    Scope for each band (L, R, L+R)
    More than 3800 variant of headphones EQ from AutoEQ ! AutoEq
    import for local EQ file (must be in /data/INTERNAM/FusionDsp/peq/)
3 preset
Or a convolution engine (FIR) with autoswitch samplerate for filters
    DRC-FIR to create filter with a single impulse

For all type

Auto gain
Toggle with/without effect
Separate volume level for left an right
4 crossfeed for headphone (Bauer, Chu Moy, Jan Meier, Linkwitz)
Mono / stereo toggle
High quality resampling
tools to easily plays test files (pink noise, sweep) to help measurments

Feel free to test and feedback :wink:
More info here : volumio-plugins/plugins/audio_interface/FusionDsp at alsa_modular · balbuze/volumio-plugins · GitHub
Some screenshots


Hi @balbuze
I tested the FusionDsp on my volumio 3.079.
The installation goes fine without an errors.
After i activate the plugin, i see the message that player daemon has been restarted.

But I see one issue while playback.
When i play a song, i hear no sound. It looks like playback is in progress, but i feel that the MPD is having issues.
Also when i restart volumio, with FusionDsp enabled, i don’t hear the startup sound.

When i disable FusionDsp and then play again, the sound comes in the songs and also the startup sound comes in restart.

Will you please guide to find out the issue. i can help with logs and details needed.


On which device do you use it? (RPI, x86).
What is your Dac?
Can you send your log?
Edit : have you an other plugin installed?


I am running the volumio on Minix Z64 which is X86_64. I also have the volspotconnect2 from your alsa_modular branch.

My Volumio is connected to Arcam irdac and i am using the hardware mixer option.


My FusionDSP config for now is 15 band graphic EQ. I plan to run it in Parametric EQ mode when the sound issue is concluded

I have restarted the system and then enabled the FusionDSP. Then played a song.
The log file is now generated : http://logs.volumio.org/volumiobuster/rBoRygS.html

I found the reason… Official CamillaDsp version is compiled for GLIBC_2.29, not supported in BUSTER… Weird as it is ok for arm (rpi)
I’m going to compile as specific version…
My fault, I never tested it on x86_64…

Thank You. I will wait for your update and then will try with the new version

I uploaded a new version. I can’t test it deeply… But if you want to give a try :wink: I’ll be happy…

I uninstalled the old one and installed the new version. The sound is still not present. Though i can see that the CamillaDsp error is resolved.
I have made a new log : http://logs.volumio.org/volumiobuster/FSQZoOT.html

I see you use Spotify connect. Do you get sound with it?

I tried with Spotify connect also. No sound.

Also when the FusioDSP plugin is activated, during the system restart, I do not hear the startup sound.

I have a made a log with Spotify playback : http://logs.volumio.org/volumiobuster/aCO2BVf.html

Spotify connect fails… But this is an other story.
Edit : can you try

speaker-test -D volumio

Do you get sound in that case?