I wonder if the team @volumio has any updates regarding Spotify functionality. So far, version 4.1.1 is still quite buggy, creating random stops, disconnects, and skipping tracks.
Is a new plugin version in the pipeline soon to be ready for release? Please let us know!
Also, is Spotify Connect & integration a part of the Volumio suite, or is it a stand-alone third party solution that is provided as-is and maintained by the community? In either case, thank you for all the efforts!
Just curious… I believe you mentioned you own a volumio player to test librespot yourself. Right? That must mean you already have an improved version running somewhere? Since it is taking quite a while to update the plugin. Would it not be possible to post yours somewhere as a beta? I’d love to do some tinkering to get it to work… The plugin has been very unstable for over a year now and it’s becoming a little frustrating.\
btw can’t stress enough that I’m happy you’re here and hope it will all work soon!
Yes, I use the Primo as the main source for my Spotify streams (mainly through Spotify Conenct) and it has been working great with the latest versions (mileage may vary on some very unstable connections).
The latest version of go-librespot has been merged in the Volumio plugins repo, but I am unsure when the plugin will go live.
If you like tinkering you can build go-librespot from source to always have the latest version available, but it’s not provided as an out-of-the-box experience.
Mine is on a Raspberry Pi 2 and has also been very unstable ever since the new plugin was introduced (I mostly use it through Spotify connect). I always keep Volumio and the plugin up-to-date.
I have random disconnects, connection failures, unresponsiveness, discrepancies between the state displayed in the Spotify App and the actual state of the player… For instance the wrong song is displayed, or the time cursor is staying at 0:00 as reported by other users.
When I get the chance, I’ll copy the logs corresponding to these issues. I hope 4.1.2 will fix some of them!
I don’t want to intrude or sound rude, but I wonder if there is a reason why the plugin is not based on the more widely used librespot client?
I almost guarantee that your problems will disappear when you install the BETA plugin. I spent a week getting to know the code because I didn’t know there even WAS a beta version available, but I’d hacked the setup so that the existing “stable” (yeah, right!) plugin would work with the new go-librespot. I was ready to provide a fork on GitHub when I realised that there was a beta solution waiting for me all along, that does exactly what I’d hacked together. Yes, a waste of a week of my life, but I do have a robust system now, thanks to @devgianlu and @balbuze
I won’t say all problems are solved, like @clivebryant, but the beta has been an improvement for me for sure. Thanks @devgianlu and @balbuze for helping out here. Therefore I would recommend the beta as well, even though it might be uncommon advice. Please check the message from Balbuze above on how to activate it.
@Wheaten I hereby submit my report that issues have been solved.
Can you say what/when it does give problems? I’ve been using it for a few days and it seems to be behaving well. I’d be happy to try to replicate what you’ve experienced.
I’ve had some unexpected stops or strange switches while playing an album. Sometimes halfway a song it would play music from one particular artist it always seems to fall back on or suddenly start with another song from the same album, but a few ahead or backwards (no, it’s not on shuffle).
However, it does not happen that much and I’m having some trouble to replicate it on demand. So for now I’m quite happy with the improvements. Especially since my girlfriend with her iPhone is finally able to connect. Additionally the Jam functionality works and with the beta you’re finally able to actually add songs to the waiting list. This is looking like something.
From my point of view there’s no reason to hold this in beta btw. This version is much more stable than it used to be.
Just checking the “obvious”…
When I hacked a solution together (not knowing the Beta plugin was available), I replicated what I had done onto another micro SD card and sent it to my brother. It worked great for him too.
But then when I was using my unit a couple of days later, it suddenly stopped. I reset it, and it wanted to resume on a completely different track. This happened a few times, until my brother called saying HIS device was doing the same.
What I didn’t realise is that I’d configured both micro SD cards with the same background login. He was using his login in the foreground, but was actually playing the tracks on my login.
So if your girlfriend, for instance, is using the same login as you (you’d need to check in credentials.json) then if you both use Spotify at the same time, it could cause track skipping/stopping.
Hi! I installed the beta version on my Raspi 1 and the reproduction is way more stable now; before I used to have random playing interruptions every-now and then. Thanks to everyone involved!
I’ve observed 2 regressions though:
After playing a song or a playlist, instead of stopping, Volumio starts playing recommended songs. Should an option exist on the plugin options? By the way, this has already been reported here.
I’m using Spotify Connect and since updating to the new plugin version, Volumio’s main screen (/playback) is not showing the info about the song currently being played.